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Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the provision of access to electronic research/bibliographic databases to the Institute of Public Administration



The multi-party framework agreement will be established on foot of a competition for an initial contract for the provision of access to electronic research/bibliographic databases to the Institute of Public Administration. The IPA Library provides a lending, reference and information service to 3,000 part-time students which equates to 1,000 FTE students, faculty staff and members of the Institute. Tenderers should refer to the IPA website – for details of the range of programmes delivered, in order to align their offer with the provision of relevant titles/content. Note: Tenderers should note that both the student and staff profile may grow following the expansion of the IPA and the implementation of a successful growth plan. Access is provided to books, eBooks, journals, electronic databases, reports, statistics and official publications in the general area of public management. This service covers a wide range of subjects, including management, economics, sociology, law, criminology, health, finance, sustainability and local government. IPA programmes are delivered through a blended learning model and the Library currently utilizes IP address authentication and OCLC EZproxy for remote access to library resources. The Library collection development is increasingly focused on delivering content and services to users electronically and utilising tools that enable easy access and navigation of resources.


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