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Microscopy & Imaging Equipment



80,000,000 GBP


The Authority are seeking Contractor(s) for the provision of Microscopes and Imaging Equipment including Associated Servicing, Maintenance and Repairs for the Further and Higher education sector in the UK. Lotting structure will be determined at the later stage. Lot 1: This Framework Agreement will be tendered by APUC Ltd. for the purpose of delivering an efficient and compliant route to market for participating public bodies, by minimising the resource required and providing value for money. Framework Agreement's scope will be for microscopes and imagining equipment including, but not limited to: - A variety of microscopes and imaging equipment suitable for a range of laboratory applications including, but not limited to: compound, stereo and zoom, medical microscopes. - Upright or inverted microscopes using laser technology such as Confocal, Spinning Disc, TIRF and Multi-photon including associated imaging equipment such as slide scanners. - Deterministic super resolution and stochastic super resolution microscopy equipment such as simulated emission depletion (STED), ground state depletion (GSD), SPDMphymod. - Specialist camera components for image acquisition in relation to life science applications and materials research. - Modular digital imaging and microscope software for image acquisition, processing and analysis. - Light Sources and associated equipment, including but not limited to: Incendescent Lamps, Halogen Bulbs, Arc Lamps, LED Light Sources. - General Accessories and Consumables, including but not limited to: Objectives, Filter Sets, Stands, Eyepieces, Adapters. - Comprehensive or preventative maintenance and repairs of standard “off-the-shelf” equipment beyond its initial envisaged life cycle term. - Comprehensive or preventative maintenance and repairs of specialised equipment which may be bespoke, experimental or high value in nature beyond its initial envisaged life cycle term.


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a month ago

Buyer information


Ola McIntyre

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