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GB-Castle Point: EPP0102 - Employment support for economically inactive people for Castle Point Borough Council



The Salvation Army


70,000 GBP


Education and training services. Other community, social and personal services. Castle Point Borough Council ("CPBC") is seeking suitably experienced providers to deliver a provision of employment support for economically inactive people in the borough of Castle Point, Essex. Funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the employment support for economically inactive people is formed of three interventions under the Castle Point UKSPF Investment Plan: 1. Number of people in employment, including self-employment, following support 2. Number of people sustaining employment for six months and 3. Number of people gaining a qualification or completing a course following support. The contract period will be between 29th of April 2024 and 31st of March 2025. Beyond this the Council may consider extending the contract by agreement with the Supplier for a further period of up to 12 months. Such an extension will be subject to availability of additional funding and positive demonstration of progress and achievement in all quarters by the end of January 2025 of the outputs and outcomes. The Essex Procurement Partnership Team is running the procurement process on behalf of Castle Point Borough Council. The contracting authority will be Castle Point Borough Council.


Award date

11 months ago

Publish date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Castle Point Borough Council

Claire Sargeant

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