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VRU-Hospital Based Youth Work Evaluation Partner



Behavioural Insights Team


250,000 GBP


VRU Hospital Based Youth Work Evaluation Partner The Mayor of London's Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) is seeking an Evaluation Partner for our Hospital Based Youth Work Programme in London.  The VRU funds Hospital Based Youth Work teams operating out of all 4 Major Trauma Centres (MTCs ) and 8 Accident and Emergency Departments (A&Es) in London. These youth work/ case work teams are based within the hospital and provide crisis support to young people aged 11 - 25 presenting at the hospitals as victims (or suspected / potential victims) of violence. The Hospital Based Youth Work programme is a high profile, high value service commissioned by the VRU and we are investing significantly in improving the evidence base for this work. The VRU is seeking to commission an external Provider to undertake a detailed process and impact evaluation of the Hospital Based Youth Work programme. The unit is seeking a provider that can deliver a series of evaluation packages. Including: • An impact evaluation: • Evaluation of organisational change: • A performance & process evaluation: • Cost effectiveness: • Evaluation of the Learning Partner support: As part of this project, the Evaluation Partner will need to work closely with key stakeholders in the hospitals. We expect the commissioned Evaluation Partner organisation to have experience in the following areas: • Leading complex evaluation programmes that incorporate a range of stakeholders and partners at strategic and operational levels. • Demonstrable experience of working with young people at risk of being involved in serious violence. • An understanding of the Public Health approach to violence reduction and prevention. • Experience working in a public health context, direct work with the NHS and hospital data is advantageous. • Experience working with sensitive data & personal identifiable information (PII)is essential • Strong data protection systems and processes. • Some experience of conducting London based research. • Experience working with NHS ethics applications and the process of gaining consent from NHS Trusts to set-up research in hospital sites is essential. We welcome collaborative bids, for example, a research consultancy paired with clinical researchers, academic partners and/or community and voluntary sector expertise. If you have any clarification questions, please email these to When sending your clarifications to the VRU Procurement inbox please use the subject 'HBYW Evaluation Partner', the clarification deadline has been set as 18th July 2023. You must email your completed tender response to; by the tender submission deadline:12:00 noon on 8th August 2023.


Award date

a year ago

Publish date


Buyer information

Mayors Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)


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