Collection agency services
This tender procedure concerns the award of contracts for delivery and operation of registration, payment and notification services for Danish road charging (eVignette). The contracts will concern delivery and operation of a registration and payment platform (responsive web application) together with notification services and international debt collection for evaders. Education/training and documentation as well as certain services related to support and maintenance of the system are included in the contracts. Under Item II.2.4) the requested solution and services are further described, and the tender documents include a description of the project in further detail. Sund and Bælt will implement different enforcement schemes in Denmark, among others time-based road user charging for all foreign passenger cars and vans in Denmark, which is to be operational in 2020. Common for the schemes are that registration and payment will be done using a responsive web application combined with notification services for users who do not follow the scheme rules. Customer services will be supplied by Sund and Bælt. The objective is to do a tender for a contract of five (5) years covering delivery and operation of registration, payment and notification services including maintenance of supplied solution and services. The supplier’s deliverables under the contract are to be delivered as 3 main types of deliveries: (i) registration and payment platform including internal work tools for Sund and Bælt’s employees; (ii) notification services where evaders are informed about their violation; and (iii) international debt collection, if evaders choose not to pay after notified about their violation. Maintenance of (i) and (ii) during the Contract period is likewise part of the contract. As the tender comprises goods and services that can be clearly distinguished from each other and are subject to individual regulation, Sund and Bælt has for practical reasons divided the regulation of the goods and services acquired under the tender into 2 contracts: — registration and payment platform contract, — notification and debt collection services contract. The 2 contracts are together referred to as the contracts. It should be noted that amounts of transactions and notifications covered by the contracts are based on a qualified estimate made by the Contracting Authority based on foreign vehicle traffic data from the Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing combined with expected compliance behaviour of foreign vehicles visiting Denmark. Therefore, the contracting authority cannot guarantee a minimum amount of transactions and notifications during the contract period, nor a maximum limit to such.
Publish date
6 years ago
Close date
6 years ago
Buyer information
Sund & Bælt Holding A/S
- Contact:
- SBF — Charlotte Yun Linde
- Email:
- cyl@SBF.DK
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