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Supported Living Services for People with Learning Disabilities



8,802,380 GBP


This tender which is for care and support services at the six supported living sites for adults with learning disabilities for a term of 3 years with the option to extend by yearly periods up to a maximum of 2 years (3+1+1) as outlined below: Lot 1: Learning Disabilities Supported Living Service at Preston Road and Woodhill Crescent Lot 2: Learning Disabilities Supported Living Service at Beechcroft Gardens and Manor Drive Lot 3: Learning Disabilities Supported Living Service at Gladstone Park Gardens and Ruby Street Please refer to individual contract values which are listed in the Specifications for each Lot. The six sites are dedicated to serving vulnerable adults with a learning disability, and or those diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum disorder. This will include some tenants who present with behaviour that may challenge. The services were designed to provide supported living accommodation which enable service users to live more independently, promote their wellbeing and reduce the potential of having to move to more restrictive forms of care, such as residential care services. All six sites are existing services with existing service users living at the properties. The opportunities have been developed on the basis of geographical proximity and number of units.


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London Borough of Brent

Bhavin Mistry

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