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Malthouse Square Playground Tender



80,000 GBP


Malthouse Square Playground Tender for the removal of existing equipment & the design, build, installation of new equipment on a fixed fee basis at Malthouse Square Playground,Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. All relevant approvals and all other legal requirements pertaining to the scope of supply and installation to be supplied by the tenderer with tender submission. This includes copies of all relevant insurance certificates and licences together with a certificate of Employers Liability. Please also supply a reference list of previous relevant work undertaken with your submission. Please confirm the warranty period of all equipment and installation works. Tenders will be evaluated on price, quality of design options & an overall value for money solution. Budget guide is for £80K whole cost for all areas excluding walking path & benches. Variation options are allowed but should be limited. Please note orders could be placed separately for the different zones at Malthouse. Also provide a discount price for whole order for all works. All submissions received assume agreement to this brief. Malthouse Square ground is currently made up of separate areas & each area needs to be quoted for separately and broken down into removal, new equipment & installation costs. Separately identify, if appropriate, any equipment that you consider could be reused or relocated, within your design scheme or for offsite. The gym equipment is outside the scope of this tender and will remain in situ. For each area please ensure your proposals are wheelchair & pushchair friendly & include all sundries such as bins, metal fences, gates & safety signage. Please have due consideration for the potential of social distancing (ie. swings spaced apart) & any reasonable measures that could reduce the spread of any infection ie COVID. Designs that reduce the risk of vandalism damage & made of durable material to reduce maintenance, therefore wood is not a preferred material. To provide a new improved outdoor open space for all ages, which is an improvement to what is currently on site. To be included are: 1. Under 7s safe play area with metal fencing To include but not limited to: swings, slide, a picnic table, further equipment with movement &/or education benefits. 2. Over 7s play equipment for various different age groups & abilities. To include but not limited to: pyramid frame near back of guide hut, baseball net, table tennis, play equipment with movement & with education benefits. 3. Football pitch - 5-a-side, 3 sets of sockets to enable moving pitch for wear if space permits along the south western area. 4. Benches near play areas 5. A picnic area - 3 sets of table & benches outside the play areas. Any benches need to be in recycled plastic with a base colour of black (board game designs preferable).!/Moulded-Forest-Saver-recycled-plastic-seats-353/p/69605934 Tenderers to email


Publish date

5 years ago

Close date

4 years ago

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Beaconsfield Town Council

Jeannette Buckle

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