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Development Partner Opportunity at Liberton, Edinburgh



120,000,000 GBP


The City of Edinburgh Council (the Council) has purchased the Liberton Hospital site, located in the South East locality on the intersection of Lasswade Road and Ellen’s Glen Road, from NHS Lothian. The site is approximately 6.5 hectares (4.2 net developable area) in size. The ambition for the development is to deliver a mixed-use development with around 388 homes, around half of which will be affordable homes, owned by the Council, some of which will be aimed at providing a home with specialist support for older people or those with accessibility needs. The development also includes a requirement to refurbish or retain the façade of the old Edwardian Liberton hospital building and assess the viability of retaining the 1960s hospital building. The Council is seeking to procure a Development Partner with the necessary skills, experience and capacity to deliver an exemplar development. This opportunity to work with the Council, initially over an 18-month period as part of a two stage Pre-Development contract has been devised as part of the Council’s procurement strategy to reduce the burden of tendering as much as possible on Candidates and to encourage collaboration, innovation, risk apportionment, and partnership between the Council and the Development Partner prior to entering into a Development Agreement. As a Candidate, you will be experienced and capable of delivering complex regeneration and mixed tenure development projects of similar scale and nature. Your team will be multi-disciplinary and consist of the Development Partner, full design team services, construction contractors and specialist expertise in areas such as sustainability and modern methods of construction. You will identify opportunities for working with the local community and Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs), creating new jobs and stimulating the local economy. The gross development value is projected at GBO90million - GBP120million. Lot 1: The City of Edinburgh Council (the Council) is seeking to appoint a Development Partner to take forward a development opportunity at Liberton, Edinburgh. The Development Partner will be required to: - Deliver a mixed tenure scheme of around 388 homes (including private, social rent and mid-market rent) to the Council’s design guidance within timescales approved during the pre-development period including the refurbishment or façade retention of the Edwardian Hospital; - Deliver commercial or community space with active frontages at appropriate ground floor locations throughout; - Deliver high quality public realm of adoptable standard throughout the site, including the reinstatement of the Victorian Garden; - Deliver high quality transport and active travel options throughout the site; - Delivery of a low carbon energy solution - Maintain and enhance community engagement and support consultation. The residential development must comply with the principle of tenure blind development. The Development Partner will be required to pay a price to the Council for the private residential development opportunities. The capital receipt will be agreed during the pre-development period, however, a viable development is mandatory to allow progression to the Development Agreement stage. To ensure that the Council is entering into a Pre-Development Contract which has a high likelihood of project viability, the Council may seek to assess a capital receipt offering at the Invitation to Tender stage. The profits from this development will be retained by the Development Partner, although an overage agreement will be put in place covering exceptional profits. Further information on the scope of this procurement can be found in the SPD Instruction Document attached to this Contract Notice.


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The City of Edinburgh Council


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