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Provision of NTEM Dwelling Data Update and Validation



DfT Provision of the National Trip End Model (NTEM) Dwelling Data Update and Validation. Background to the requirement. The National Trip End Model (NTEM) is a trip generation model for GB, providing long term projections of demand for personal, domestic travel. The output dataset can be viewed free of charge using the TEMPro software. The current version, NTEM8.0 was published in 2022, uses 2020 base data and projects travel demand up to 2061. The NTEM dataset is an essential resource for transport planning and drives consistency when appraising schemes in different areas. The government's transport analysis guidance (TAG) mandates that business cases applying for central funding should include analyses that agree with NTEM forecasts over sufficiently large areas. Our team is currently in the process of a data refresh of the NTEM. As part of this, several inputs will be updated, including stocks and forecasts of housing developments at a local authority (LA) level in England, Scotland and Wales. This data is used in NTEM to ensure that projections in population and households reflect the known and likely patterns of housing growth across GB. The Department for Transport is seeking a single supplier who will collate and process data on housing stock and forecast dwellings for its use in the upcoming NTEM update. The contractor will also engage with a range of LAs on behalf of DfT to validate a sample of the dwellings data collated, ensuring buy-in of the updated NTEM forecasts. The complete ITT pack including a detailed scope of requirements is accessible via DfTs Procurement platform. To register interest, there are two steps: 1. To enrol an account on DfTs Jaggaer platform (if your organisation does not already have one), please navigate to 2. Once registered, please access the event at


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Department for Transport (DFT)

Costaki Costi

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