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Consultancy Support - End to End



1. Introduction and Background Dyfed Powys Police is seeking consultancy support to assist with its “End to end” (ETE) Project Team that has responsibility for the delivery of revised processes relating to the recording, assessment, allocation, investigation and disposal of crime. The scope of the programme of work this team will undertake focuses upon the delivery of the following outcomes: • Improved crime data integrity (CDI) • Clear ownership and responsibility of investigations • Improved victim satisfaction • Improved quality and timeliness of investigations • Improved data quality in recording of outcomes • Investigatory demand that is understood, triaged and managed effectively 2. Scope and Requirement In delivery of the above, considerations include: • Crime recording at first point of contact (CFPOC) and other options to meet CDI timeframes • Single On-line Home (and On-line Crime Reporting) • Crime recording where referrals received through Vulnerability Hub • Review of crime investigation desk • Review of Investigation Support Units (ISUs) • Review of fraud investigations (model) • Review of ICAT and BCU demand reduction teams (in their various guises) • Victim needs assessment and compliance with Victims’ Code • New crime assessment framework and triage • HMIC recommendations (and in particular any registered “Cause for concern” relating to crime data integrity) and OPCC recommendations • HMIC PEEL Assessment Framework (including Victim Services Assessment) • Work undertaken previously to inform the CRB Telephone Crime Recording initiative • Recommendations emanating from the Force demand analysis programme • Requirements of the new Records Management System (Niche RMS) process configuration • Best practice identified within other forces This consultancy will support the ETE Project Team throughout the project lifecycle from the production of the business case to embedding into BAU and the subsequent implementation of the new RMS (Niche).


Publish date

5 years ago

Close date

5 years ago

Buyer information

Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys

Faye Ryan

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