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Repair, Remanufacture & Maintenance of ESW Challenger 2 Auxiliary Power Units



Van Kappel Limited


30,000,000 GBP


Babcock Land Defence Limited acting as the UK Ministry of Defence’s agent, intends to negotiate a single source Contract with Van Kappel Ltd for the Repair, Maintenance & Overhaul of the Challenger 2 ESW Auxiliary Power Units. It is considered that the contract shall be awarded to Van Kappel Ltd using the negotiated procedure without prior publication pursuant to Regulation 16(1)(a)(ii) of the Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations 2011 for technical reasons as Van Kappel Ltd are the only supplier with the specific know-how, STTE and ownership of the bespoke OEM designed APU Test Set and associated tooling. the UK Ministry of Defence is not in a position to be able to identify the exact technical requirements which are required to ensure the safety and suitability of the repairs, and that the interoperability of the Auxiliary Power Units with the platform is not compromised to be able to provide the equipment support services required by the UK Ministry of Defence. This notice Is not a request for expressions of interest so please do not apply to be invited to tender. Babcock is to negotiate a single source framework agreement with the named supplier. Van Kappel Ltd Risk Assessment Ref: 410779015. Cyber Risk Profile: Very Low. Lot 1: Repair, Remanufacture & Maintenance of ESW Challenger 2 Auxiliary Power Units. Additional information: This notice is not a request for expression of interest, so please do not apply to be invited to tender. This notice advises that Babcock Land Defence Limited, acting as agent for the UK MOD is to place a single source contract with the named supplier.


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

Ministry of Defence

IRM Repair Team

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