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Mapping current and future workforce and skills requirements in peatland restoration





37,000 GBP


Research to provide intelligence on the current scale of the peatland restoration sector in Scotland and better understand the future jobs and skills requirements across the whole peatland restoration sector. Lot 1: NatureScot wishes to commission a piece of research to help inform efforts to develop a suitably skilled workforce, in sufficient numbers to meet the ambitious targets for peatland restoration. The specific objectives are to: - Provide an assessment of the number and type of FTE jobs currently involved in the restoration sector and estimate of the numbers of skilled individuals reflected in those FTE figures - Analyse the current level and types of skills available to the peatland restoration sector and the demand for these skills - Understand future demands for skills and the number of FTEs/individuals required to enable the 2030 target (and milestones arising before that) to be achieved - Estimate of the geographic spread of current and future jobs and skills across Scotland - Understand the extent to which those working in related sectors (civils, forestry, renewables) may be able to pivot to take up opportunities in the peatland sector, the barriers (if applicable) to them doing so, along with skills needs arising from this move - Identify where skills gaps or shortages within the peatland restoration sector in Scotland remain and suggest additional measures required to address them.


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

Scottish Natural Heritage


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