Framework agreement for SF6 gas online monitoring
Energinet has high-voltage circuit breakers filled with gas SF6, that is a very CO2 polluting gas variant. It has therefore been requested that Energinet should be able to monitor leakages more closely, so that Energinet can react proactively instead of reactively. With this Framework Agreement Energinet wants to buy units, which should be mounted on the breakers, to be able to monitor the pressure in the breakers, and transfer data back to Energinet. The duration of the Framework Agreement is 4 years with 2 options on extension in additional 2 year each. Lot 1: Energinet, who is the Danish TSO (Transmission System Operator), has high voltage stations (approximately around 275 stations) with high-voltage circuit breakers filled with SF6 gas that is a very CO2 polluting gas variant. It has therefore been requested that Energinet should be able to monitor leakages more closely, so that Energinet can react proactively instead of reactively. The scope for this tender, is to provide a framework agreement for Energinet to be able to purchase a combined and ready to mount solution (units) for surveying our SF6 filled components, and transfer data back to Energinet. Energinet wants to be able to monitor the pressure in the breakers, and be able to collect different data, to be able to analyze the trend over time, so that we can be able to identify SF6 leakages early in the process. The unit must consist of a digitalized gas density sensor or digitalized gas density monitor, with a communication node that can transfer data, via LoRaWAN communication. The solutions for the SF6 sensor must be powered through a battery package, but for the gas density monitor, the solution should be directly powered by power cord. Furthermore, this is the first step in monitoring our components using SF6 gas, and Energinet expects this to be spread to further components in the future. The supplier Energinet seeks should be able to produce/procure the set solution, so that Energinet can buy a unified solution, consisting of sensor/gas density monitor, communication node and power supply. The SF6 sensor / density monitor / with node / battery or direct power solution comes into tender, but the recipient LoRaWAN gateway is Energinet's own responsibility and coverage as well, so that the LoRaWAN standard becomes the dividing line between tender and Energinet. Energinet expects to buy 2.500 units, whereas Energinet expects it to be divided in the following product categories. SF6 Sensor with node and battery solution, henceforth referred to as type A, approximately 250 units. Gas density monitor with node an direct power solution, henceforth referred to as type B, approximately 2250 units. The duration of the Framework Agreement is 4 years with 2 options on extension in additional 2 year each. Energinet has decided not to divide the tender into lots because Energinet assesses that the lots will be little of value and therefore not interesting for the market. Please note that this is a negotiated procedure. With the exception of mandatory parts, the Tender Documents may as a result undergo changes as part of the negotiation process. To II.1.5 and II.2.6: The Contracting Authority’s best estimate for The Framework Agreement’s value is EUR 2.7 mio. The Framework Agreements total value (max value) is EUR 5.5 mio.
Publish date
2 years ago
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Energinet Eltransmission A/S
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