Call for tenders AGIAMONDO Safety and Security
AGIAMONDO development workers in the Development and Peace Service as well as head office staff work and travel in regions with increased, sometimes very high, security risks. Since the beginning of the 1990s, personnel from development and peace work organizations and in particular humanitarian aid organizations, have been increasingly confronted with armed conflicts. At the same time, it is still due mainly to illnesses and accidents that personnel of development cooperation organizations suffer harm.As a church organization, AGIAMONDO focuses its work on serving people. AGIAMONDO aims to offer professional and high-quality services to institutional customers and to the peace and development workers.In order to live up to this claim and our responsibility towards our staff and peace/development workers, AGIAMONDO has developed a security management policy for the seconded personnel and staff abroad. The "AGIAMONDO Security Concept Abroad" is the basis on which all AGIAMONDO measures in the field of security are based.With this call AGIAMONDO calls for tenders concerning trainings and advisory services for AGIAMONDO, its seconded personnel and partner organizations in Europe and particularly abroad and to the head office in Cologne.
Publish date
4 months ago
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