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0-19 Healthy Child Programme Services



Central London Community Healthcare


20,721,172 GBP


The London Borough of Merton (“the Council”) intends to award a contract under 'Direct Award Process C' of the Provider Selection Regime, to provide 0-19 Healthy Child Programme Services (mainly Health Visiting and School Nursing services). The aim of the contract is to deliver comprehensive 0-19 Healthy Child Programme services for Children and Young People in Merton. The service is to deliver Merton’s expectations for Merton’s 0 to 19 Healthy Child Programme Services including delivery of: Health Visiting (0-5), School Nursing (5-19) and Specialist Support offers including: Homelessness Health Visitors, Infant Feeding Service, Looked After Children Nurse, Young Parents Support Service, National Child Measurement Programme Service (NCMP), Family Start Service, Youth Offending Team Nurse. The requirements and expectations are based upon the national service specification incorporating the Healthy Child Programme (HCP) which was updated in 2021 (PHE, 2023) (PHE, 2021) and has been informed by local needs, priorities and engagement with stakeholders and families. Lot 1: The overarching aim of the Service is to give Children and Young People (CYP) the best start in life and beyond, through a universal preventive service that improves public health outcomes and reduces inequalities by aligning resources to vulnerability and need – proportionate universalism (PHE/IHE, 2014) The universal elements of the Health Visiting service is to be provided to families of all babies/children aged 0-5 who are resident in Merton. For families with babies/children in the 0-5 age range who may require additional support from the health visiting teams should be provided with enhanced health visiting support and services as appropriate to their needs. For children aged 5-19, the service must be provided to all children attending: • maintained schools and academies, • those who are home educated or who are not attending school for other reasons • those attending further education settings and youth settings and those attending pupil referral units (PRUs) in Merton


Publish date

a day ago

Award date

a day ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Merton


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