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Kent & Medway Children & Young People Mental Health Market Engagement - Virtual Event



***This advert is for market engagement only*** NHS Kent and Medway ICB intends to commission contracts that will form part of the future mental health offer for its children and young people. The commissioner has published this Prior Information Notice to advertise procurement market engagement. Further to the previous pre-procurement market engagement events in November 2023 and February 2024, the Commissioner now intends to hold a virtual procurement market engagement event. This event will be the formal opportunity for providers interested in delivering children and young people's mental health services in Kent and Medway to hear about the future contracting model and the lotting structure. There will also be an overview of the competitive process that will take place and the indicative timescales. Attendees will also be offered the opportunity to have individual follow-up meetings with NHS Kent and Medway leads from teams including commissioning, procurement, and finance. Details of how to book these sessions will be made available following registration. The virtual market engagement event will take place between 9:00am and 2:00pm on Wednesday 20th March 2024. 9:00am - 10:00am *General introduction: an outline of intentions and process. Open to anyone who registers 10:00am - 11:00am Focussed session: Specialist mental health contract 11:00am - 12:00pm Focussed session: Education contract 12pm - 1pm Break 1pm - 2pm Focussed session: Therapeutic Alliance contract *Providers are free to register on one, all or any combination of the focussed events. It is strongly recommended to attend the attend the general introduction session Upon registration and completion of the online questionnaire, a link to the virtual meeting will be provided. Some frequently asked questions will be available following registration. To access the eProcurement portal to access relevant documentation relating this opportunity and register to attend the market engagement event, please follow the instructions below: 1. Go to (and click the link to register (If your organisation has not registered previously). 2. Once registered, login into the system and look for 'Quote/tender C237047 - Children & Young People Mental Health Market Engagement - Virtual Event)'. 3. Register interest and complete the short Market Engagement Questionnaire. The deadline to register to attend the market engagement event is 17:00 on Friday 8th March 2024, however providers and partners are encouraged to respond as soon as possible to help with event planning. The commissioner does not bind itself to commencing or running any public procurement procedure further to, or as a result of, this market engagement event. Any subsequent procurement, if undertaken, will be commenced by way of a separate call for competition via a relevant notice published in Find a Tender. Additional information: o Any and all information/documents that are made available to the market as part of this premarket engagement exercise is draft and subject to change. o All timeframes are indicative and also subject to change


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a year ago

Buyer information

NHS Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board

William Clark

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