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Multifunctional Devices and Associated Products and Services Including Print and Design Services



The Framework will provide access to a comprehensive range of Multifunctional Devices and Digital Transformation Solutions. It is being established to meet the needs of Crescent Purchasing Consortium Members, and is also open for use by all contracting authorities across the UK public sector (and any future successors to these organisations). These include (but not limited to) central government departments and agencies, Non Departmental Public Bodies, NHS bodies, Local Authorities, Police Authorities, Emergency Services, Educational Establishments, Hospices, Registered Charities, National Parks and Registered Social Landlords. The Framework will be let across two Lots. There will be a maximum of 15 suppliers awarded a place on Lot 1 and a maximum of 20 suppliers on Lot 2. Lot 1: Multifunctional Devices and Associated Products and Services This Lot provides access to a comprehensive range of multifunctional devices and associated supplies and services; maximising the latest hardware, software and services to deliver efficient and effective solutions that meet the entire printing needs of a Participating Public Sector Body. It should be noted that the solution categories detailed above and not representative of the entirety of solutions, supplies and services required by Members and or Participating Public Sector Bodies, or the complete range the CPC wishes to make available for purchase under this Framework Lot. Lot 2: Print and Design Services This Lot is designed to meet the Print and Design requirements as well fully managed print services. The lot covers Print and Design, but members will define the level of services they require at a mini-competition stage, and as such it is expected that suppliers are able to offer a range of services through this lot. The lists of services are not exhaustive and include but not limited to: • Flyers • Curriculum Booklets • Posters • Wall Stickers • Basic design, artwork, and page layout • Alternative formats e.g., Braille, Electronic distribution format • Digital Asset Management • Mail Management Services including Mail Room Services


Publish date

2 months ago

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30 days ago

Buyer information

Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC)


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