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HUH-0322 - Evaluation of City & Hackney Neighbourhoods Programme



Contribution analysis of City and Hackney Neighbourhoods Programme with focussed smaller evaluation and research tasks. Lot 1: Contribution analysis of City and Hackney Neighbourhoods Programme with focussed smaller evaluation and research tasks. <br/><br/>This work will begin in December 2022 and be finalised in November 2024. <br/><br/>The aim of the contribution analysis is to assess the contribution of a wide-ranging change programme in City and Hackney to defined outcomes for residents, staff and infrastructure. <br/><br/>This will be achieved through a baseline measure (by January 2023) and two waves of measurement of short and medium outcomes and one wave of long-term outcome measurement. <br/><br/>A detailed Theory of Change and outcomes framework has been created to launch this work which the evaluator will review and refine. In addition, specific areas of evaluation and research are defined and costed within this brief. <br/><br/>The evaluator will be supported by a Neighbourhoods Central Team Project Officer and an evaluation group to access information, data, and build relationships and make observations. <br/><br/>We work with our providers actively and iteratively recognising this is a complex setting in which creativity and flexibility are required.


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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Aaron Monaghan

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