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Healthwatch Suffolk Services



1,955,000 GBP


Suffolk County Council (SCC) is seeking to procure a provider for the statutory provision of Healthwatch Suffolk services, in accordance with the Health and Social Care Act 2012, as amended in June 2022.The Act mandates the establishment of Local Healthwatch to empower citizens and communities in influencing and challenging the provision of health and social care services. SCC is obligated under the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 to ensure effective operation of Local Healthwatch within its jurisdiction.Local Healthwatch plays a crucial role in improving health and social care outcomes by engaging with the community to influence and monitor services. It helps people maintain employment, stability in their homes, social activity and education, while also reducing pressure on carers.By addressing health inequalities, Local Healthwatch contributes to reducing demand on healthcare services. Lot 1: Suffolk County Council (SCC) is seeking to procure a provider for the statutory provision of Healthwatch Suffolk services, in accordance with the Health and Social Care Act 2012, as amended in June 2022.The Act mandates the establishment of Local Healthwatch to empower citizens and communities in influencing and challenging the provision of health and social care services. SCC is obligated under the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 to ensure effective operation of Local Healthwatch within its jurisdiction.Local Healthwatch plays a crucial role in improving health and social care outcomes by engaging with the community to influence and monitor services. It helps people maintain employment, stability in their homes, social activity and education, while also reducing pressure on carers.By addressing health inequalities, Local Healthwatch contributes to reducing demand on healthcare services.The contract period will be for 3 years (1st April 2025 – 31st March 2028) with the option to extend for up to a further 2 years.The total maximum contract value (including the extension period) is £1,955,000 excluding VAT. Please note there will be no inflationary uplift in the contract. The submission deadline is 18th November 2024 at 12noon.


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Suffolk County Council

Michelle Youngs

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