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Temporary accommodation Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing system (PDPS), Sefton Council.



10,000,000 GBP


1.1 Sefton is currently facing its highest demand for homelessness related support than it ever has. Sefton is not alone in this, and these are pressures that all local authorities in the country are facing. 1.2 Although many of the issues driving these homeless pressures are out of the Council’s direct control there are several workstreams that are progressing as quickly as possible to strengthen our ability to help residents in this situation. 1.3 Sefton currently has a significant and growing need, and the cost of managing this need is increasing. This PDPS will be for a period of 2 Years commencing on 1st June 2025 with the option to extend for up to a further 1 x 12-month periods. (at the Council’s sole discretion). Lot 1: 1. Introduction 1.1 Sefton is currently facing its highest demand for homelessness related support than it ever has. Sefton is not alone in this, and these are pressures that all local authorities in the country are facing. 1.2 Although many of the issues driving these homeless pressures are out of the Council’s direct control there are several workstreams that are progressing as quickly as possible to strengthen our ability to help residents in this situation. 1.3 Sefton currently has a significant and growing need, and the cost of managing this need is increasing. 1.4 Demand 1.5 Homeless cases have significantly increased since the increase in the cost-of-living began in late 2021. Over the last 12 months the number of households presenting as homeless has consistently been greater than 200 per month. 1.6 The number of homeless presentations that the Council’s Housing Options Team have almost doubled from 3 years ago from 118 in April 2021 to 211 in April 2024. 1.7 Homeless Strategy 1.8 The Homelessness Act 2002 requires every Local Authority to carry out a homelessness review in its Borough every 5 years, to develop and publish a Homelessness Strategy based on this review and to consult with other statutory and voluntary organisations. 1.9 One of the suggested strategic priorities for homelessness in Sefton, which this project will contribute to achieving, is: ‐ Continue to improve the quality of emergency bed and temporary accommodation provision and associated support. 2. Current Challenges 2.1 Availability of Temporary Accommodation 2.2 Although the Housing Options Team does everything they can to prevent residents from losing their home, in a large number of instances Temporary Accommodation (TA) is required. Numbers requiring TA is such that it now exceeds the bedspaces available in the Council owned homeless provision and through our homeless providers. 2.3 The Local Government Association estimates that the total cost to local authorities nationally is £1.7bn per annum. In July 2023 it was widely reported in the national press that households accessing Local Authority temporary accommodation in England was at its highest since records began. The number of households being placed in temporary accommodation had risen by 10% in England for the year to July 2023. 2.4 In December 2024, the Centre for Homelessness Impact reported that spending on TA in England and during 2023/24 was £2.29 billion. 2.5 This increase in demand has also been seen in Sefton, demonstrated in a spike in the number of households requiring temporary accommodation. At the beginning of August 2023, the number of eligible households accessing temporary accommodation was 107 however by the beginning of November 2023 this had risen to 179, a 67% increase. This PDPS will be for a period of 2 Years commencing on 1st June 2025 with the option to extend for up to a further 1 x 12-month periods. (at the Council’s sole discretion).


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Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council

Mr Stuart Bate

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