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Framework for Prevention and Support Services related to HIV, STIs and other BBVs



225,000,000 GBP


The Authority is inviting Tenders from suitably experienced and qualified organisations to join the Framework for Prevention and Support Services related to HIV, STIs and other BBVs. The Framework has been split into five (5) lots as follows:  Lot 1: Prevention and / or Support (Adults): to cover any area of work designed to help prevent residents from contracting HIV and/or other blood-borne viruses (BBVs).  Lot 2: Support for Families (as per existing contracts).  Lot 3: Connection to Care (support from screening & diagnosis through to accessing treatment).  Lot 4: Specialist Support Services, e.g. support for PLWHIV based in Specialist HIV Treatment Services.  Lot 5: Outreach and / or Communications for Blood-Borne Viruses (BBV) and / or STIs. The Procurement is being run under the open procedure, which is a procedure, under which the framework is advertised and all interested organisations/consortium can submit a Tender. The Framework duration is 4 years plus 4 years (4+4) subject to sustainability, suitability and value for money. The Authority intends to open the Framework in whole or in part i.e. certain lot(s) twice per annum for Tenders from new organisations or to allow existing organisations to apply for additional Lot(s) (once launched) throughout its lifetime. The Authority reserves the right to amend the frequency of this timeline. There will be no form of exclusivity or volume guarantee granted by the Authority or Partner Organisations under the Framework. Organisations may apply for award to more than one lot. There are no restrictions to the number of organisations who can be awarded on to the Framework for any lot, so long as they meet the minimum criteria. The Procurement is being procured by the Authority for the benefit of the Authority and the Partner Organisations. The host Borough is London Borough of Newham (LBN). Organisations should note that there is no guarantee that all Partner Organisations will participate in the Framework Agreement at the commencement date (or at all). It is ultimately at the discretion of each individual Partner Organisation as to whether they will utilize the Framework Agreement. Partner Organisations means all London Local Authorities and Health Partners. 'Health Partners' in this context refers to all organisations comprising Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs), Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and NHS Trusts (or future equivalent bodies in the event of re-structures). Lot 1: Lot 1: Prevention and / or Support (Adults): to cover any area of work designed to help prevent residents from contracting HIV and/or other blood-borne viruses (BBVs). Prevention and / or Support (Adults): to cover any area of work designed to help prevent residents from contracting HIV and/or other blood-borne viruses (BBVs). Lot 2: Lot 2: Support for Families Support for Families of those with HIV, STI's and other BBVs Lot 3: Lot 3: Connection to Care (support from screening & diagnosis through to accessing treatment). Connection to Care (support from screening & diagnosis through to accessing treatment) for HIV, STI's and other BBV's Lot 4: Lot 4: Specialist Support Services, e.g. support for PLWHIV based in Specialist HIV Treatment Services. Specialist Support Services, e.g. support for PLWHIV based in Specialist HIV Treatment Services. Lot 5: Lot 5: Outreach and / or Communications for Blood-Borne Viruses (BBV) and / or STIs. Outreach and / or Communications for Blood-Borne Viruses (BBV) and / or STIs.


Publish date

4 months ago

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2 months ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Newham

Stacey Sangha

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