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Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Seafood Quality Experts & Project Management services for Demersal Strategy



Auxilia Ltd, Food Safety Secured, MCCP, Noel Mulligan, None at all, T Bor


To provide an understanding of best-in-class technical and commercial opportunities to optimise Irish Demersal quality by identifying best practice onboard handling and cold chain management practices for defined Demersal species, to include megrim whiting, prawns, haddock, hake, monkfish throughout the supply chain from onboard to final consumer. BIM, through the development of Demersal strategy have identified the need to prove concepts through implementation of industry pilot projects. A key element of the strategy is to create a market facing mindset across the supply chain. With this in mind, it is envisaged that pilot projects will involve all elements of supply chain from catch to consumer to prove or disprove potential value creation and market opportunities for Irish caught fish. BIM require the services of suitably qualified experts to assist in the delivery of these identified projects. It is anticipated that the size and timelines of projects will vary considerably, anywhere from 3 to 12 months.


Publish date

a year ago

Award date

a year ago

Buyer information

Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board (BIM)

Procurement Officer

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