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UKRI-4570 Measurement Setup Upgrade for Novera



Zurich Instruments AG


406,911.6 EUR


A Measurement Setup Upgrade for Novera, for NQCC Superconducting control system to control a 9+5 qubit Novera Quantum Chip. Lot 1: NQCC are upgrading its superconducting control system to control a 9+5 qubit Novera Quantum chip which NQCC have previously procured under UKRI-4500. This involves upgrading our current setups with the following purchases: •Upgrading current setups to unlock the required number of channels and improve noise floor of instruments. •High-Density Arbitrary Waveform Generators (HDAWGs) for control of the flux lines •Parametric Pump Controllers (SHFPPC) to provide the required “pump” signals for the Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers (TWPA) which are included in the Novera Package. •Super High Frequency Qubit Controller for control of the qubits. Additional information: The term and conditions relating to this purchase are provided in the Contract, which matches the Contract number cited in the narrative to this Purchase Order and are specific to this Contract. Where the Contract number is not so cited, then our standard terms and conditions will apply which are available at :-


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

3 months ago

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UK Research & Innovation

STFC Procurement

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