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Mae Grŵp Cynefin ar hyn o bryd yn gwahodd tendrau ar gyfer ffensio, palmentydd a gwaith cysylltiedig mewn amrywiol eiddo ar draws ei hardal weithredol.Grŵp Cynefin is currently inviting tenders for the fencing, paving and associated works at various properties across its operational area.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at Mae'r dogfennau tendr ar gael ar Blatfform Caffael Grŵp Cynefin drwy ddilyn y ddolen( Documentation can be found on Grŵp Cynefin's Procurement Platform by following thislink ( angen i gwmniau sydd a diddordeb gofrestru ar y Platfform er mwyn cael mynediad i'rdogfennau.Interested Parties will be required to register on the platform before accessing the documents.Bydd rhaid cyflwyno unrhyw gwestiynau ynglyn â'r broses a chyflwyno'r tendr drwy BlatfformCaffael Grŵp Cynefin.Tender Clarification requests and Tender submissions must be received via the Grŵp CynefinProcurement Platform.(WA Ref:142526)(WA Ref:143419)


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7 months ago

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6 months ago

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Grwp Cynefin

Ian Ryder

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