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Consultancy Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)



This Framework will aim to support ESC's mission to unleash innovation and open new markets to capture the clean growth opportunity. ESC was set up to accelerate the transformation of the UK's energy system and ensure businesses and consumers capture the opportunities of clean growth. ESC is an independent, not-for-profit centre of excellence that bridges the gap between industry, government, academia and research - with around 200 staff covering a variety of technical, commercial and policy expertise. ESC takes a whole system view - from power, heat and transport to industry, infrastructure digitalisation and consumers - helping us identify and address innovation priorities and market barriers to decarbonise the energy system and deliver value to energy consumers. ESC supports various organisations to develop, market test and scale the products, services and value chains required to get to Net Zero. In the application pack you will find the details of how to apply to be an appointed supplier with the minimum criteria you must meet in order to be appointed. All suppliers who meet the selection criteria will be appointed to the DPS and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can be appointed. Suppliers can apply to join the DPS at any point during its lifetime. It is currently envisaged to run for at least 4 years and may well be extended providing it is still fit for purpose. ESC operates from offices in Birmingham. Project Meetings may be required. Appointed Suppliers may be required to attend kick off meetings at ESC Office in Birmingham or any suitable location in the UK and/or via a Conference call using one of the conferencing services such as MS Teams, Skype or Global Meet whichever ESC is using at that time. Lot Structure Lot 1 - Business Strategy, Policy and Thought Leadership Lot 2 - Energy System Expertise Lot 3 - Modelling and Support Lot 4 - Project Support & Ancillary Services Lot 5 - Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy Services All Suppliers who are successfully appointed to the DPS will be automatically added to Lot 5 - Multi-Disciplinary Services. This Lot will be used where ESC has a requirement that is not specifically suited to any other Lots detailed in the Scope document. You can if you wish to, apply solely for Lot 5 if you do not want to apply to any other Lot. To receive the application pack for this DPS, you must email Lot 1: not applicable. Additional information: n/a


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3 years ago

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Energy Systems Catapult

Jim Owen

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