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Marketing Services (2026-2030)



30,000,000 GBP


The Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate (SPPD) is the organisation tasked with procuring requirements on behalf of Scottish Public Sector Bodies. The current framework agreement for Marketing Services is due to expire on 31 August 2026. Work has commenced in developing the procurement strategy options including canvassing of stakeholders views. In order to complete and finalise the strategy, SPPD recognises the value of suppliers having the opportunity to contribute to this process on a non-competitive, non-judgemental basis. This request for information is aimed at collating those views from market participants. Framework participants will be expected to provide a range of Fair Work First measures. This information may be utilised in developing the procurement strategy to help deliver contractual arrangements for Marketing Services requirements. No information provided under this request will be used to make judgements regarding supplier performance, capacity or capability under any future procurement process. This notice is issued for information only and does not constitute a call for competition. Scottish Government and the Scottish Ministers shall have no liability for any costs, however incurred, by those attending any information days, attendance at meetings, or involvement in the proposed procurement process. Suppliers and other interested parties should read and complete the following Request for Information Online Questionnaire using the link below. Link: The questionnaire will be available for all interested parties until COP 20 February 2025. Lot 3: Digital Marketing The Scottish Ministers wish to award a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Digital Marketing Services. Digital Marketing Services include the technical and creative development of digital materials to deliver targeted messaging and engagement with identified audiences in pursuit of Framework Public Body’s objectives and where relevant, to support behaviour change. This can consist of the development, creation and delivery of digital marketing activity, records and databases as well as the creation, collation, and maintenance of digital content across all platforms and responsibility for functionality, usability and analysis of content. Lot 4: Public Relations The Scottish Ministers wish to award a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Public Relations Services. The Supplier shall provide services covering the planning, creative approach, project delivery and evaluation of Public Relations activity as required by individual Framework Public Bodies. Lot 5: Market Research The Scottish Ministers wish to award a Framework Agreement for the provision of Market Research Services. Market Research Services require research specialists to advise and implement a range of market and customer research activities covering many aspects of communications work. This will include the development, creation and delivery of effective and measurable marketing communications programmes as well as elements of wider activities, either individually or a combination of strategic planning, field marketing, direct marketing and partnership marketing. Lot 6: Events and Video Production The Scottish Ministers wish to award a Framework Agreement for the provision of Events and Video Production Services. Events and Video Production Services cover event management, Exhibition Management, technical audio visual services and video production & post production services required by Framework Public Bodies. Lot 1: Creative Services above 50,000 GBP The Scottish Ministers wish to award a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Creative Services where the value of the requirement exceeds 50,000 GBP. Creative Services will include the development, creation and delivery of effective and measurable marketing communications programmes and advertising campaigns as well as elements of wider activities, based on a Framework Public Body's brief, and potentially delivered in partnership with the relevant marketing agencies. The suppliers must have the capability and experience in managing and providing strategic creative development and delivery across the disciplines of this category, including the delivery of advertising activity, content creation, engaging field activity, impactful, targeted and measurable communications. Lot 2: Creative Services below 50,000 GBP The Scottish Ministers wish to award a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Creative Services where the value is below 50,000 GBP. Creative Services will include the development, creation and delivery of effective and measurable marketing communications programmes and advertising campaigns as well as elements of wider activities, based on a Framework Public Body's brief, and potentially delivered in partnership with the relevant marketing agencies. The suppliers must have the capability and experience in managing and providing strategic creative development and delivery across the disciplines of this category, including the delivery of advertising activity, content creation, engaging field activity, impactful, targeted and measurable communications.


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2 months ago

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Scottish Government


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