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Blanchardstown Interchange - Integrated Delivery Support Services Partner (IDSSP)



4,500,000 EUR


The National Transport Authority (NTA) on behalf of Blanche Developments Limited (BDL) is procuring an Integrated Delivery Support Service Partner (IDSSP) who will be a multi-disciplinary engineering consultant, to support and supervise the design and construction of the 'Blanchardstown Interchange Works’ (BIW) (including a Bus Plaza) to be constructed under a design-and-build type contract. While the procurement process will be conducted by the NTA, the contracting party will ultimately be BDL (either by way of novation of the contract by the NTA or by direct entry into contract by BDL). Whilst it is intended that the BIW will be constructed under a design-and-build contract, the IDSSP will develop the design of the Bus Plaza element of BIW and prepare the detailed scope of work for inclusion in the tender documents for the procurement of a construction contractor, as an employer designed element of the construction contract. The IDSSP will manage the tendering process for procurement of services of the construction contractor, oversee the delivery of infrastructure works and supervise the performance of the construction contractor. The IDSSP shall support and provide technical expertise across the following functions including but not limited to: Civil Engineering Design; Architectural Design; Design and Engineering Assurance; Act as Employers Representative; Delivery Planning and Integration; Construction Assurance; Construction Supervision; Procurement Support; Project Controls; Project Management; Performance and Reporting; Scheduling and Resourcing; Risk Management; Cost Control and Management; Change Control and Management; Stakeholder Engagement and Communication; Development of construction sequencing strategy to minimise the disruption to residents, businesses and commuters; Prepare the scope of work for accommodation works for properties affected by the BIW; Produce a preliminary traffic management plan; Land and property acquisition and management; Consents and Third-Party Agreements; Information Management and Systems; implementation of BIM and other digital construction approaches; Health, Safety, Environment and Quality; Sustainability, Efficiency, and Innovation; Governance and Project Assurance; Learning and Knowledge Management; Facilities Management; and Building Control. BIW comprises of infrastructure improvements for active travel (both walking and cycling) and the provision of enhanced bus priority measures for existing and future service users on both public and private land at Blanchardstown Town Centre, Dublin 15. The works will commence at the south end of the Blanchardstown Road North bridge over the N3 at junction 3 (Blanchardstown / Mulhuddart)and proceed along the R121 (Blanchardstown Road South) into the Blanchardstown Town Centre. From a new bus plaza to the north-west of Blanchardstown Town Centre, the works will continue towards and terminate at the Snugborough Road junction. The Bus Plaza is an important element of BIW and comprises of a physical bus interchange and driver welfare facility structure in the Blanchardstown Interchange. BIW (including the bus plaza) forms part of the Blanchardstown to City Centre Core Bus Corridor Scheme, within the BusConnects Dublin Core Bus Corridor Infrastructure Works (“CBCIW”). The CBCIW are being delivered by the National Transport Authority to provide approximately 230km of bus priority and approximately 200km of cycle routes across Dublin and the Greater Dublin Area. The key objectives of CBCIW are to enhance the capacity and potential of the public transport system, enhance the potential for cycling by providing safe infrastructure for cycling, support the delivery of an efficient, low carbon and climate resilient public transport service and enable compact growth, regeneration opportunities and improve accessibility.


Publish date

3 months ago

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2 months ago

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National Transport Authority_1149

National Transport Authority_1149

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