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Leven Missing Heritage Study



15,000 GBP


Green Action Trust are seeking to engage a consultant to work on the development of a ”Missing Heritage” Archaeology Project. This project is one of a suite of Development Phase activities funded via the National Lottery Heritage Fund. This project will focusing on the “missing” heritage of the Leven River Parks, undertaking research, community archaeological assessments and the creation of a action plan for the Delivery Phase that will prioritise the missing heritage features. During the development of both the Leven Catchment Heritage Framework and Leven Connectivity Masterplan, references to several heritage features and locations were uncovered. Little is known about these features, leading them to be described as the “missing heritage” of the River Parks. As part of the Development Phase activity for the NLHF River Parks project, we are seeking to undertake research, baseline reporting and community archaeological assessments of these features in order to identify up to three key features which to focus a Delivery Phase activity plan on. The “missing heritage” features identified so far are: Kirkland House Kirkland Mill Rose Cottage and The Kirkland to Methil Harbour Waggonway Methil Church It is possible that there are other features that will be uncovered during Development Phase activity. We are open to these being included in the project, providing their links to the over-arching aims of the River Parks project and Leven Catchment Heritage Frameworks are made. Community involvement is an important element of the project, and we invite tenders that include proposals for community engagement and volunteer participation.


Publish date

2 years ago

Close date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Green Action Trust

Emilie Wadsworth

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