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HCC01/25- Provision of Apprenticeship Levy Training Provider Framework



16,000,000 GBP


THE COUNCIL IS EXTENDING THE BID RETURN DEADLINE TO FRIDAY 7TH MARCH 2025 12.00 (NOON) Hertfordshire County Council (the 'Council') - wishes to procure a Framework Agreement of external Training Providers who are accredited to A P A R (Apprenticeship Provider and Assessment Register) the Government's approved register- to deliver quality apprenticeships across a variety of areas throughout Hertfordshire. The Framework Agreement will be awarded and managed by Hertfordshire County Council on its own behalf of and on behalf of other Participating Bodies. The following contracting entities are 'Participating Bodies' for the purposes of this Framework Agreement: Any present or future trading arm, wholly owned company, mutual, joint venture, trust, and shared service of Hertfordshire County Council. Those Hertfordshire community, foundation, free, studio, voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools and academies specified on the list set out on link to Schools within Appendix 3. All Hertfordshire Borough and District Councils. The Council intends for this Framework Agreement to be flexible and continue to meet the needs of the Council and the Participating Bodies as new apprenticeship Standards are approved by Government and therefore reserves the right to alter the Specification at any time and add any new apprenticeship Standards as they become available and request pricing for those apprenticeship standards from approved Training Providers to the Framework Agreement. The Services required under this Framework Agreement have been split into the following Lots, and Training Providers may bid for the Standards advertised within one, some or all of the Lots-The Training Provider will NOT be required to Bid for all the Standards advertised within any given Lot. Lot 1- Business, Leadership and Management Lot 2- Legal, Finance and Accounting Lot 3- Digital, Creative and Design Lot 4- Health and Care Services Lot 5- Education and Early Years Lot 6- Agriculture and Environmental Lot 7- Property, Construction and Engineering Lot 8- Community Protection The anticipated total annual joint expenditure for this Service over all Lots over the potential full duration of the Framework will be approximately: GBP 3,540,000.00. Therefore the estimated total value of the Framework over its lifetime could be up to GBP 14,160,000.00 The Contract Period for this Framework Agreement is an initial period of two (2) years with the option to extend by a further two (2) years . Therefore, the maximum duration of this Contract could be four years. unless terminated in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. Please note that the requirements of the Framework Agreement will be subject to available financial resources, supplier performance and flexibility to meet changing demands. In addition, there will be no form of exclusivity or volume that is guaranteed under the resultant Framework Ag... Additional information: Organisations wishing to take part in this project are invited to "express interest" which will give access to the full procurement documents in the e-tendering system. Please see VI.3) Additional information for further information of Contract Notice. Any questions relating to this procurement must be made via the correspondence area in the e-Tendering system, in accordance with the procurement documents and can be addressed to the main contact as shown in the details above. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


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2 months ago

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21 days ago

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Hertfordshire County Council

Cally Brown (HCC)

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