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New school for Bunclody Community College, Co. Wexford – Main Contractor



Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified Main Contractors who wish to be considered for construction works of the Bunclody Vocational College, Irish St, Ballinapark, Bunclody, Co. Wexford. The proposed development comprises a new replacement part one, two and four storey building of c.7,733 sq.m, improved entrance from Irish Street, associated parking, set down, courts and amenity areas and landscaping, and further courts and landscaping on adjacent land at Hospital Hill. All existing school buildings and multiple temporary structures will be removed to facilitate the proposed development. The proposed development includes the refurbishment and re-use of No. 15 Irish Street, as part of the school grounds and facilities. The provision of the external play area, new staff car park and set-down arrangement upgrade to the existing boundary treatment and all associated site and landscaping works. This is a phased development on a live/ urban site. The day to day operation of the school must be maintained at all times by the appointed Main Contractor. The Reserved Specialists are being pre-selected and procured separately from the Main Contract and when procured will enter into a contract with the Main Contractor.


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

3 months ago

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Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board_110494

Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board_110494

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