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Digital Social Prescribing Platform



Pungo Ltd


89,718.72 GBP


NHS Frimley ICB sought to commission a digital software application tool which supports the function of social prescribing across 4 Slough PCNs, as well as secondary care partners (including adult social care, outpatients, and voluntary sector community connectors). The purpose and aim of this procurement was to source a software that serves as a digital solution to connecting residents to local services that can support their social needs and self-management of long-term conditions, effectively reducing pressures on Primary Care Services through avoidable hospital admissions and GP appointments. The system requires the need to work, and be integrated, with EMIS and SystmOne, creating a streamlined referral process which will improve coordination between different providers. The Commissioner is directly awarding a contract to Pungo Ltd (Joy Social Prescribing Digital Solution) in accordance with the G-Cloud 14 (RM1557.14) guidance. The total value of the initial 3 year contract term is £89,718.72 (Exc VAT) with an optional extension of one period of up to 12 months, giving a maximum possible contract value of £120,523.13 (Exc VAT). The initial 3-year contract period commenced on the 31st January 2025. This procurement has been carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. Additional information: The contract value of this procurement is under the threshold that is subject to the full regime of current procurement legislation and governed by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Therefore, the rules of this Regime do not apply.


Award date

a month ago

Publish date

a day ago

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