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Young People's Supported Accommodation



1,209,000 GBP


Durham County Council (DCC) is inviting tenders for the provision of young people 16-26 yrs, supported accommodation services across four geographic lots in County Durham. This contract aims to support young people and will include those transitioning to adult services, young people with low, medium and high complex needs, by providing safe, stable accommodation and tailored support services. The contract is issued under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015). The Service will be person centred, designed around needs and personal outcomes and may comprise of a combination of direct or shared support. The Service will be flexible, responsive and creative both in its delivery and in the partnerships developed with other sources of support, such as family and friends, community networks third sector organisations, colleges and other support providers e.g. day opportunities. The focus is to maximise the Person's independence by providing support with daily living such as personal care and practical tasks/activities. People are encouraged to develop their confidence and skills to carry out these activities and tasks for themselves or with a level of support that is appropriate to their individual needs, maximising the use of community services. The Service will be responsive in ways that encourages the young person to achieve their own aspirations rather than to fit into what is available, supporting access to and making use of community services in the area. Documents can be accessed free of charge at using the following reference OPEN2025269


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Durham County Council

Clare Musgrove

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