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Funeral Services 2025



Funeral Services Ltd T/A Co-op Funeralcare


61,600 GBP


The Authority wishes to appoint a suitably experienced and professional Funeral Director or Funeral Service provider (The Contractor)\r \r The Authority currently provides services via the Appointee & Deputyship (A&D) Team for those service users who lack mental capacity to deal with their own finances and have no other person to act on their behalf.\r \r There are two types of scenarios where the Authority arranges Funerals and the Authority has a statutory requirement to arrange both these types of Funerals and ensure the deceased are cremated or buried whilst including any end of life wishes. The two types of Funerals are identified as A and B below: -\r \r A. 'Contract Funeral'\r These funerals are funded by the Authority. The deceased have no financial assets and no relatives whom can fund/arrange a funeral on their behalf.\r B. 'Standard Cost Funeral' (or full cost funeral).\r These funerals are funded from the Assets of the Deceased; however, the invoice must be approved by the Authority prior to the Authority passing the invoice to the Deceased's bank for payment.\r \r This may be either by acting as appointee for benefits (as directed by the Secretary of State) or for those service users where the Office of the Public Guardian via the Court of Protection directs.\r \r Link to the opportunity:


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a month ago

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in 2 months

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North Tyneside Council

Yazmine Baddoo

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