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Boundary Wall and Railing Repairs Thorpe Road Cemetery



80,000 GBP


This contract involves partial demolition and re-modelling of part of the main boundary wall fronting Thorpe Road Cemetery, Horden, SR8 4TP. For a tender pack please contact Lot 1: Cut back all vegetation in the areas of the works to allow for full access. Carefully take down the existing boundary wall brick pillars, remove all existing curved copings and reduce the remaining brickwork to the required, lowered height. Clean the retained top course ready for new copings. Provide a Stihl saw cut through the full thickness of the retained wall at the junction with the lowered pillar in the positions indicated and insert a 10mm thick Aerofil 1 closed cell polyethylene filler to both wall faces to form a new movement joint; point both sides in approved colour polysuphide mastic sealant. Carefully take down all the identified existing metal railing panels; dispose of the panels identified as being beyond economic repair. Supply and install new weathered artificial stone copings throughout the length of the identified wall (15 no. panels to the west of the main entrance; 45 no. panels to the east). Thoroughly bed and point throughout. All retained fencing panels are to be taken off site for repair, adjustment and re-finishing. Adapt the retained panels to the new profile and manufacture replacement panels as necessary, all as per the detail drawing. In a workshop environment, allow for specialist blast cleaning of the whole of the retained fencing panels to SA2.5 and for painting in PPG C4 Coating (High Durability). Allow for initial zinc primer / filling prior to priming using SigmaFast 278 @ 120 um; finish using SigmaDur 550H in colour to the CA's choice. Replacement fence panels to be primed and finished to match. Manufacture new coupling posts as detailed and finish as per the railing panels. Allow for providing a single coupling post as a working sample for final approval prior to the manufacture of the remaining units; transport to site and temporarily erect with adjacent fencing panels for the CA's review and further instructions. Allow for specialist core drilling of the copings in the position of the new post Fixings. Return the pre-finished fencing panels and new coupling posts to site and secure in position throughout to the pre-drilled fixing positions with SIKADUR 32 epoxy resin, or equal and approved, completely to manufacturer's recommendations. Provide stainless steel bolted fixings between the posts and fencing panels. Include a contingency sum, to be expended at the discretion of the CA. Additional information: Sealed tender exercise. Email for a tender pack.


Publish date

3 years ago

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3 years ago

Buyer information

Horden Parish Council

Gemma Rowe

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