Design-construction-operation-maintenance of a storage platform in a port area for repairs of submarine electric power cables
As part of the maintenance of its future offshore connection and interconnection projects, RTE wishes to create a storage site for accessories and for underwater HVAC (notably 225 kV) and HVDC (320 and 525 kV notably) electrical cables). The site is located near a quay in a port in France. This contract concerns the design and construction of the storage site, its operation and maintenance, integrating loading/unloading services at the dock. Commissioning of the site will take place between May 2026 (first cable delivery) and May 2027. The contract is not divided in several packages but in one single lot, awarded to a single Holder or Consortium. Lot 1: The full description of the services covered by this contract appears in the Application Regulations, attached to the application file. An excerpt is provided below: Design and Construction of the storage site for submarine cables: - Design and construction of an industrial building, of a warehouse type (including preliminary and then detailed studies as well as the preparation of the necessary permitting). - Design, manufacturing, supply, transport and integration into the building of motorized storage and handling means for submarine cables, as well as heavy storage means, on racks or on the ground, for boxes of cable accessories and for drums. The equipment must be able to ensure the storage of non-coilable portions of cable. Motorization systems (permanent or temporary) will have to be considered: Fixed basket type solutions will not be retained. Storage equipment may have several separate and modular compartments. A cable handling and circulation system for loading/unloading operations from a ship at the dock must be considered, with part of the system being able to be fixed, particularly in the building, as well as parts having to be mobile, particularly for the loading dock area. This system must take into account the minimum bending radius of the cables. The moving elements of the handling system will be stored on site. - The site will have an outdoor space serving as a delivery area and temporary storage area. An access control system (enclosure, controlled vehicle access, controlled pedestrian access, lighting, cameras connected to a surveillance center) will guarantee the protection of the site against vandalism and intrusions. Mobile fire fighting systems (fire extinguishers) will be present on the site, primarily aimed at limiting the risk of fire and then its spread (material classification, architecture, hot spot procedure). Operation and maintenance of the site : - The storage of the first cables and accessories will take place in 2026 (CELTIC Program) and will then be phased according to the planning of offshore projects deliveries. For each delivery by ship, the operator must guarantee the integrity of the cables throughout the unloading operation, from the ship interface at quay to storage facilities. The same cautions will be applied for the handling/storage of accessories. In the event of a damage to a cable at sea, the operator must ensure, upon request from RTE, that the requested cable and accessories are made available and any accessories, as well as their transfer to a ship or any other means designated by RTE. Throughout the storage period, the operator must guarantee computerized monitoring of the quantities stored, expiry dates for the products concerned, regular inventories and regular integrity checks of the products concerned. The operator must also guarantee that the building and exteriors are maintained in good condition, by carrying out appropriate preventive and curative maintenance. Finally, the operator must guarantee the proper and uninterrupted operation of cable storage and transport equipment, through the performance of appropriate preventive and curative maintenance. Throughout the storage period, the operator must subscribe to appropriate contracts with external service providers (fluid supply, waste treatment, legal certifications, safety, etc.) in order to ensure the compliant and uninterrupted operation of the entire site. Services related to cable handling (except for the option relating to CELTIC's temporary stock) are prohibited from subcontracting. In order to prevent any conflict of interest, candidates acting as operators or stockists as well as cable manufacturers are not allowed. Bonus of €50K will be granted to each bidder who submits an admissible offer.
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a year ago
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RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité
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- Unknown
Location des installations provisoires de stockage et de transfert de combustible bioliquide dans le cadre de l’essai au HVO de la turbine à combustion de Vaires-sur-Marne
EDF SA Direction des achats Groupe - DOAP
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- Unknown
Location des installations provisoires de stockage et de transfert de combustible bioliquide dans le cadre de l’essai au HVO de la turbine à combustion de Vaires-sur-Marne
EDF SA Direction des achats Groupe - DOAP
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Métropole de Lyon
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- Closed
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- Unknown
Conception-réalisation-exploitation-maintenance en zone portuaire d’une plateforme et de bâtiments de stockage pour la réparation de câbles sous-marins électriques de puissance
RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité
Published a year ago
- Closed
Fourniture de prestations logistiques relatives au stockage temporaire, la préparation et l'expédition de commandes de matériels et de produits
Sud de France Développement
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