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Supply of De-icing Salt 2022 to 2026 Framework



Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited, Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited, Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited, Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited, Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited, Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited, Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited, D. Walsh & Sons Limited, Wilson Salt Ltd


Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) had a requirement for a 4 year Framework for de-icing Salts for use on national and regional roads in Ireland. The participants in this Framework are: TII, Department of Transport Tourism and Sport (DTTAS) and Local Authorities. Only suitably qualified de-icing salt suppliers that meet the minimum requirements were appointed onto the Framework. TII also awarded an initial call off of 6 Lots as part of this procurement process. Note- The Estimated Total Value of the framework agreement was 40 million euro not to exceed during the 4 year Framework Agreement. Lot 1: Salt delivered to TII Strategic Depot Balbriggan The appointment onto the TII304 Framework Agreement was made by a process of competitive tender using the Open Procedure. Suitably qualified De-Icing salt suppliers that meet the Minimum Suitability Criteria set out at Appendix 1 to the TII304 ITT document and meet the minimum mark of 40% in the Award Criteria 1 Sustainability Proposal will be appointed to the Framework. As part of this procurement process an initial call off of 6 Lots will also be awarded. These initial 6 Lots consist of salt deliveries to TII's Strategic Salt Depot's at Balbriggan,Cahir,Ennis & Kinnegad as well as deliveries to RLR Lot 1 Area and RLR Lot 2 Area. These Lots will be assessed on the The Total Comparative Cost for each Lot, further details can be found in the TII304 ITT. Further Mini-Competitions under the Framework may be awarded by any one, or groups, of Framework Purchasers in the period from award of framework agreements in 2022 until expiry of the 4 year Agreement in 2026. The Framework Purchasers for this Framework include TII, the Department of Transport (DOT) and Local Authorities. In accordance with the tender documents this Lot was awarded to Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited as they met the minimum suitability criteria, and they are applicant who submitted the lowest Total Comparative Cost for Lot 1 Lot 2: Salt delivered to TII Strategic Depot Ennis Supply of Salt In accordance with the tender documents this Lot was awarded to Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited as they met the minimum suitability criteria, and they are applicant who submitted the lowest Total Comparative Cost for Lot 2 Lot 3: Salt delivered to TII Strategic Depot Cahir Supply of Salt In accordance with the tender documents this Lot was awarded to Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited as they met the minimum suitability criteria, and they are applicant who submitted the lowest Total Comparative Cost for Lot 3. Lot 4: Salt delivered to TII Strategic Depot Kinnegad Supply of Salt In accordance with the tender documents this Lot was awarded to Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited as they met the minimum suitability criteria, and they are applicant who submitted the lowest Total Comparative Cost for Lot 4. Lot 5: Regional Roads - Area 1 available for draw down by the Framework Purchaser Supply of Salt In accordance with the tender documents this Lot was awarded to Irish Salt Mining and Exploration Company Limited as they met the minimum suitability criteria, and they are applicant who submitted the lowest Total Comparative Cost for Lot 5. Lot 6: Regional Roads - Area 2 available for draw down by the Framework Purchaser The appointment onto the TII304 Framework Agreement is being made by a process of competitive tender using the Open Procedure. Suitably qualified De-Icing salt suppliers that meet the Minimum Suitability Criteria set out at Appendix 1 to the TII304 ITT document and meet the minimum mark of 40% in the Award Criteria 1 Sustainability Proposal will be appointed to the Framework. As part of this procurement process an initial call off of 6 Lots will also be awarded. These initial 6 Lots consist of salt deliveries to TII's Strategic Salt Depot's at Balbriggan,Cahir,Ennis & Kinnegad as well as deliveries to RLR Lot 1 Area and RLR Lot 2 Area. These Lots will be assessed on the The Total Comparative Cost for each Lot, further details can be found in the TII304 ITT. Further Mini-Competitions under the Framework may be awarded by any one, or groups, of Framework Purchasers in the period from award of framework agreements in 2022 until expiry of the 4 year Agreement in 2026. The Framework Purchasers for this Framework include TII, the Department of Transport (DOT) and Local Authorities. Tenderers will need to register on the etenders government website to download tender documents


Publish date

2 years ago

Award date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII)

Patrick Larragy

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