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Out of Court Disposal Service and Intervention Hub & Referral & Support Service



The Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire seeking though this tender process an Out of Court Disposals Hub and Intervention Service alongside a Referral and Support service for other low-medium risk offenders seeking support for their offending behaviour. This provision includes a referral and triage hub for low-medium risk offenders who have met the eligibility criteria for, and been offered, an Out of Court Disposal by Bedfordshire Police. The hub will conduct a needs assessment of the service user to determine the most appropriate rehabilitative or restorative intervention for them. The service will also provide support to other offenders who wish to address offending behaviours. For both pathways, a suite of interventions for the offender should be available, although the service may in some cases refer the offender to other available interventions outside the service should this be more suitable. The Contract will commence 1st October 2023 and will be for a period of 2 years and 6 months until 31st March 2026 with extension potential for up to 2 years. Budget Range: £105,000 to £120, 000 per annum. If you are interested in the opportunity, please register interest via utilising the messaging portal, please confirm if you would benefit from a Supplier Engagement Event. Dependent on the level of interest a date will be set during the month of April 2023.


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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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The Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire

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