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DN709839 - The Supply of Meteorological Balloons and Parachutes



*** Contract Award Notice submitted directly via Find a Tender Service as recommended by Proactis due to the fact that there isn't a Supplier NUTS code available for Japan on the drop down list to select from so I am unable to submit the form on ProContract *** This tender is for the supply of meteorological balloons and parachutes and would need to satisfy one or more of the product lots. Lot 1: Meteorological weather balloons and parachutes suitable for use with helium and hydrogen lifting gases, and Vaisala RS41-SG radiosondes, including the use of additional heavier ozone sensing payloads at one site. Lot 2: Meteorological weather balloons with integrated parachutes suitable for use with helium and hydrogen lifting gases, Vaisala RS41-SG radiosondes and the Vaisala AS41 Autosonde. This includes the following requirements to ensure compatibility with the AS41 system: a. Inclusion of a parachute inside the balloon, suitable for use with a 150g payload, attaining a minimum altitude of 30 hPa b. Maximum inflated diameter and height of 1.8 m c. Balloon neck diameter of 3 cm d. Balloon neck length of 12 cm Lot 1: Meteorological weather balloons and parachutes suitable for use with helium and hydrogen lifting gases, and Vaisala RS41-SG radiosondes, including the use of additional heavier ozone sensing payloads at one site. Lot 2: Meteorological weather balloons with integrated parachutes suitable for use with helium and hydrogen lifting gases, Vaisala RS41-SG radiosondes and the Vaisala AS41 Autosonde. This includes the following requirements to ensure compatibility with the AS41 system: a. Inclusion of a parachute inside the balloon, suitable for use with a 150g payload, attaining a minimum altitude of 30 hPa b. Maximum inflated diameter and height of 1.8 m c. Balloon neck diameter of 3 cm d. Balloon neck length of 12 cm


Publish date

a year ago

Close date

12 months ago

Buyer information

Met Office

Mrs May Lee

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