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Units A1 & A2 and yard, Old Brighton Road, Lowfield Heath, Crawley, RH11 0PR



3,000,000 GBP


The procurement is to appoint a contractor for the construction of a new two-storey office block extension to Unit A2 and the demolition of the existing internal office accommodation, as well as the external and internal Cat A refurbishment of Units A1 & A2, including the installation of new surface and underground drainage systems, hardstanding resurfacing and landscaping works. The Procurement is being conducted by DTZ Investors for Glasgow City Council as administering authority for the Strathclyde Pension Fund (SPF). The successful Bidder will enter into the contract for the works with the Council. Lot 1: This procurement is being conducted by DTZ Investors for Glasgow City Council as administering authority for the Strathclyde Pension Fund (SPF). SPF is part of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and is one of the 11 LGPS funds in Scotland and around 100 in the UK. This contract is being procured under a two stage procedure based on the restricted procedure. The procurement documents include an SPD document. All bidders must submit a completed SPD document as part of their response to the Contract Notice. The project will involve extensive external works to enable the units to have their own demises, dedicated service yards and parking facilities. Further, a comprehensive internal Cat A refurbishment of both units will be undertaken. The project specifics will be based on a planning application that will be considered by Crawley Borough Council. The works are likely to include: Site Works -Redesign of the existing road access points off Old Brighton Road (currently only serving Unit A1) to also provide access to the A2 demise. -New fencing to be installed between the units to provide demarcation and separate demises. Fences to include integrated vehicle and pedestrian gates. -Enhanced and new soft landscaping across both units. -New surface water attenuation and drainage to be provided in Unit A2 service yard. Unit A2 -Construction of a new two-storey office block extension to serve the unit. -Demolition of the existing internal office ancillary accommodation. -Installation of new level access loading doors on the unit’s northern façade. -Installation of a new canopy over the loading bay area. -Resurfacing of the service yard -Cycle storage and dedicated refuse & recycling store to be provided. -Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCPs) to be installed. -Internal refurbishment to the warehouse to include: -New electrical distribution and small power services. -New lighting. -New fire alarm. -New resin coating to the warehouse floor slab and decorations to all other surfaces. Unit A1: -Cycle storage and dedicated refuse & recycling store to be provided. -Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCPs) to be installed. -Removal of a portion of the existing ground and 1st floor ancillary accommodation on the unit’s eastern façade to create additional warehouse area. -Construction of a new secondary staircase internally and emergency exit route from the offices. -Internal refurbishment to include: -Refurbishment of existing WC facilities (ground & 1st floor) -New carpets, suspended ceilings and decorations throughout the offices -New heating/cooling to the offices -New electrical distribution and small power services. -New fire alarm. -New resin coating to the warehouse floor slab and decorations to all other surfaces. ESG Targets -Incorporation of DTZIs sustainability guidelines for redevelopment and new construction projects. -Targeting EBC B as a minimum. Further information about the contract opportunity is set out in the procurement documents.. Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 8 or 9 of the Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016. As above, all communications from tenderers on this procurement should be sent to


Publish date

4 months ago

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3 months ago

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Glasgow City Council

Jonathan Collett (Hollis Global Ltd)

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