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Natur am Byth! Môr: Seagrass Moorings - Purchase and Installation



This invitation to tender covers a contract to increase the resilience of seagrass meadows in Llŷn & Ynys Môn through the purchase and installation of Advance Mooring Sytems (AMS). (Please see Annex 1 for indicative location of the NaB Môr project areas.) This contract includes the procurement of capital equipment. All procurement will be undertaken by Marine Conservation Society in alignment with their procurement policy (attached at Annex 2).Priority locations, and suitable AMS for those locations, were scoped out in the development phase of NaB Môr. (Please see Annex 3 Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS): investigation of suitable sites and techniques.) The contractor is expected to build upon this work, as well as take into consideration work undertaken by other initiatives and projects such as the ReMEDIES project on the south coast of England and previous work undertaken in Porthdinllaen.The work has been split into two separate work packages to facilitate quoting. Please itemise your tender and provide a detailed timeline and spending profile.Building on previous work and with the help of the Llŷn & Môn Regional Coordinator the contractor will deliver the following:Work Package 1: Purchase and manage the installation of 12 AMS in Llŷn & Ynys Môn• Finalise locations on Llŷn and Ynys Môn for the installation of (up to) 12 AMS• Further liaison with landowners• Secure relevant permissions and licences• Select final AMS model(s) that suit the chosen locations. This may require different types of AMS at different locations.• Source and arrange the purchase of AMS. (Please note that Marine Conservation Society hold a separate budget for the purchase of the AMS and will manage the procurement process in line with procurement policy.)• Organise and supervise the installation of the AMS. (Please note that Marine Conservation Society hold separate budget for the installation of the AMS.)Work Package 2: Stakeholder engagement• Engaging with the landowners and key stakeholders at the chosen sites to ensure the project runs smoothlyAdditional Deliverables:Report on work package 1 and 2 to aid replication of similar AMS deployment and best practiceNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. As part of their tender, contractors must provide (on a separate sheet) full contact details for the legal entity we would be contracting with including the name, registered address (and any alternative address for accounts etc), contact name and numbers, payment and banking details and email and website addresses. This sheet will be removed as part of the tender assessment process. Contractors should ensure that no identifying information is included anywhere else on the tender.Final report – The final reports shall be presented as a digital copy in a single Microsoft Word file. All images, illustrations and maps will be embedded in the file and provided separately where they are large. The final project reports should be formatted per the attached template (Annex . Nature am Byth Evidence Report template).• Biological records – Marine biological data shall be presented in an agreed format using approved data guidelines where available. A protocol must be submitted to Marine Conservation Society as part of the finalised project plan.• Geo-spatial data – Geo-spatial data shall be presented in an agreed format using approved data guidelines where available. A protocol must be submitted to Marine Conservation Society as part of the finalised project plan.• Metadata – Metadata in standard format must be submitted with the data. Metadata are information about the data, such as the subject matter; how and when the data were collected, etc.(WA Ref:148709)The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding.


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Marine Conservation Society

Nicola Saville

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