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Provision of Insourced Perfusion Services - HUTH



Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTHT) will work in partnership with a Provider to provide Perfusion and Surgical Care Practitioner (SCP) staff/services to support delivery of cardiac surgery inpatient operating.<br/><br/>The Provider will supply suitably experience, trained & qualified Clinical Perfusion Scientist and SCP staff to support Cardiac surgery inpatient sessions at Castle Hill Hospital.<br/><br/>Perfusion shifts will be a mix of:<br/>• Day shifts (8am – 6pm) <br/>• Weekday overnight on-call sessions <br/>• Weekend on call sessions (2 x 12-hour shifts per day)<br/><br/>SCP shifts will be day shifts (8am – 6pm)<br/><br/>The Provider will be required to submit a list of staff & CVs prior to the start of the contract for HUTHT to approve. <br/><br/>The Provider will ensure all staff are fully trained & compliant with any professional registration required for the role. Staff must have relevant NHS experience, be appropriately trained & fully vetted. Staff must have passed appropriate recruitment employment checks, including DBS checks, IR35 Legislation and reference checks. <br/><br/>Clinical Perfusion Scientist staff will meet the following standards:<br/>• Educated to Masters level or equivalent in Perfusion Science<br/>• Accredited by the Society of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain & Ireland<br/>• Professional registration with the College of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain & Ireland<br/><br/>Surgical Care Practitioner staff will possess the following qualifications:<br/>• Nurse with NMC Level 1 Registration OR Operating Department Practitioner registered with the HCPC<br/>• Qualified Surgical Care Practitioner with MSc level SCP qualification (or historical equivalent)<br/>• Royal College of Surgeons SCP Diploma examination (or actively working towards) Lot 1: Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTHT) will work in partnership with a Provider to provide Perfusion and Surgical Care Practitioner (SCP) staff/services to support delivery of cardiac surgery inpatient operating.<br/><br/>Target start date for the contract is 01/03/2025. The initial contract period will be 01/03/2025 to 30/06/2025, with options to extend for a further 2 periods of 3 months each.<br/><br/>Total estimated contract value is £80,000 for the initial term and up to £200,000 including the extension options.<br/><br/>The Provider will supply suitably experience, trained & qualified Clinical Perfusion Scientist and SCP staff to support Cardiac surgery inpatient sessions at Castle Hill Hospital.<br/><br/>Perfusion shifts will be a mix of:<br/>• Day shifts (8am – 6pm) <br/>• Weekday overnight on-call sessions <br/>• Weekend on call sessions (2 x 12-hour shifts per day)<br/><br/>SCP shifts will be day shifts (8am – 6pm)<br/><br/>The Provider will be required to submit a list of staff & CVs prior to the start of the contract for HUTHT to approve. <br/><br/>The Provider will ensure all staff are fully trained & compliant with any professional registration required for the role. Staff must have relevant NHS experience, be appropriately trained & fully vetted. Staff must have passed appropriate recruitment employment checks, including DBS checks, IR35 Legislation and reference checks. <br/><br/>Clinical Perfusion Scientist staff will meet the following standards:<br/>• Educated to Masters level or equivalent in Perfusion Science<br/>• Accredited by the Society of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain & Ireland<br/>• Professional registration with the College of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain & Ireland<br/><br/>Staff will be able to perform the following procedures:<br/>• Perform a range of highly specialist Perfusion science activities relating to cardiopulmonary bypass with special reference to clinical, technical & scientific aspects<br/>• Develop highly specialised perfusion care packages utilising analysis and interpretation of complex information to make autonomous clinical and technical decisions regarding choice of perfusion equipment and technique for planned and emergency procedures to optimise patient care and clinical outcome.<br/>• Perform a wide range of complex blood coagulation assays and draw upon expert knowledge to interpret and report results to a wide scope of staff including; Cardiologists, Cardiac Surgeons, Nursing staff, Physiology Technicians and ODPS.<br/>• Offer expert advice, clinically manage & troubleshoot intra-aortic balloon counter pulsation (IABP) therapy throughout the surgery group and across the Trust. There may be a requirement to give expert clinical advice related to insertion technique, catheter selection and positioning.<br/><br/>Surgical Care Practitioner staff will possess the following qualifications:<br/>• Nurse with NMC Level 1 Registration OR Operating Department Practitioner registered with the HCPC<br/>• Qualified Surgical Care Practitioner with MSc level SCP qualification (or historical equivalent)<br/>• Royal College of Surgeons SCP Diploma examination (or actively working towards)<br/><br/>Staff will be able to perform the following procedures:<br/>• Ability to harvest conduit including: long saphenous vein, radial artery, short saphenous vein<br/>• 1st and 2nd assisting for all adult cardiac and thoracic operations including emergency procedures<br/>• Male and female catheterisation<br/>• Surgical wound closure<br/>• Independently assess potential sites for conduit harvest for cardiac surgery, utilising both ultrasound scanning & physical assessment skills, providing expert recommendation to the Consultant Surgeon<br/>• Independently harvest venous and arterial conduit, involving complex dissection and avoiding damage to the conduit itself and vital surrounding structures (nerves, arteries etc.) which could potentially compromise the viability of the limb, and ensuring haemostasis.<br/>• Act as expert first & second assistant to the operating surgeon during both cardiac and thoracic surgery<br/>• Expert, autonomous venous and arterial conduit assessment and independent surgical harvest of conduit for coronary artery bypass surgery, utilising physical assessment skills and ultrasound scanning, presenting/discussing findings with the operating surgeon. Additional information: This contract is being awarded under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 Most Suitable Provider process.<br/><br/>This notice is to invite expressions of interest from suitable providers. The deadline for submitting an expression of interest is midnight 24th January 2025.<br/>Expressions of interest should be submitted to Neil Dodds -<br/><br/>Target start date for the contract is 01/03/2025. The initial contract period will be 01/03/2025 to 30/06/2025, with options to extend for a further 2 periods of 3 months each.<br/><br/>Total estimated contract value is £80,000 for the initial term and up to £200,000 including the extension options.


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3 months ago

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Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Neil Dodds

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