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SEM Picomechanical Indenter (NU-Pico)



290,000 GBP


The Contract awarded for supply of Nanoindenter or picoindenter to fit inside our Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM model: Tescan Mira 3 with GM chamber). This instrument will allow users to map surface mechanical and tribological properties of materials and correlate them to structural, morphological and chemical properties. Lot 1: The tender process was setup as an open tender under the Public Contract Regulations 2015. The Contract awarded for supply of a Nanoindenter or picoindenter to fit within University SEM (Tescan Mira 3 with GM chamber), as well as installation, training, service and 2-year maintenance contract. NU-Pico must be developed for academic and industrial researchers to perform high speed mechanical property mapping of material surfaces (surface hardness, Young’s modulus, compression, tension, fatigue, adhesion etc.), while using SEM capabilities to perform simultaneous high resolution surface imaging, chemical mapping, 3D surface profiling and phase distribution studies.


Publish date

3 months ago

Close date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Northumbria University

Laura Rizaeva

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