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TENDERS ARE INVITED from suitably experienced Contractors for the refurbishment of the tennis courts at Shakespeare Park, Avon Road, Braunstone Town. More than one option can be submitted provided they are clearly costed. The work involves: 1. Resetting net sockets 2. resurface with durable, vandal/damage resistant all weather safety surface; 3. installing pedestrian access and lockable vehicular gate from car park; 4. installing rear lockable pedestrian gate to the new pavilion (clubhouse); 5. replacement perimeter fencing; 6. replacement of nets; and 7. marking out of new courts. The Contractor must provide within the quoted price: 1. all costs associated with preparing the quote, including site visits; 2. meeting Health &Safety requirements; 3. site Set-up and returning the site to use, including removing all debris from site; 4. carriage and Off-Loading; 5. all processing and administration costs; 6. all labour and third party costs; and 7. details of all taxes, including VAT. Please include details with the quote of the equipment and surface specification, including expected lifespan. The work is expected to be carried out within six to twelve months with no variation in the quoted price. Payment on satisfactory completion of the work. Tenders must be submitted to the Executive Officer & Town Clerk, Braunstone Town Council, Braunstone Civic Centre, Kingsway, Braunstone Town, Leicester LE3 2PP, no later than 9am on Monday 21st September 2020 Additional information: Improvements to the tennis courts will include the nets and net sockets, surface, markings, gates and perimeter netting in order for the courts to be attractive for a club and for tennis training. The Town Council is exploring the potential to install the Lawn Tennis Association's tennis courts venue management system and gate access technology, Tap4Tennis.


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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Darren Tilley

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