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Managed Service Provider - Neutral Vendor for Contingent Workers, Permanent Recruitment and Statement of Works - AWARD



Comensura Ltd


28,000,000 GBP


Contracts Finder Award Notice Information for Notice Title of Contract - Managed Service Provider (Neutral Vendor) for Contingent Workers, Permanent Recruitment Services and Statement of Works Value of Contract - £28 million Contract Start Date - 1 April 2025 Contract End Date - 31 March 2027 Contract Type - Service Contract Procedure Type - Further Competition through ESPO MSTAR4 Framework (Lot 1A - Neutral Vendor) Description - Ordnance Survey Ltd (OS) is Britain's mapping agency and is responsible for the surveying, production, maintenance and marketing of a wide range of geographic information, relied on by government, business and individuals. Ordnance Survey (OS) has appointed a Managed Service Provider (MSP) to provide temporary agency workers, permanent recruitment services and statement of works requirements under a neutral vendor model to OS. The supply of potential workers under Hire-Train-Deploy is also included within the scope of this contract. The scope of the contract will also include the option for overseas engagement of Temporary Agency Workers or statement of works requirements. The contract will be for two years with the option to extend annually for a further two years (2+1+1). Therefore, if all extensions were taken the full length of the contract would be for four years. The value of the contract is being set at up to £7m per annum. This contract does not provide any exclusivity for the supply of the Services. OS does not guarantee any minimum quantities or value of Services during the term of the contract to the Managed Service Provider. OS does not guarantee that £7m will be spent per annum and this is being set as a maximum limit for the purpose of setting a contract value. Ordnance Survey completed this procurement as a Further Competition through the framework 653F_23 ESPO Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources (MSTAR4) and Lot 1a - Neutral (Neutral Vendor).


Publish date

2 months ago

Award date

in 3 days

Buyer information

Ordnance Survey

Greg Hague

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