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Framework Agreement for the Supply of Medical Gases in Cylinders and Liquid Medical Gases



The Tender is to establish a Framework Agreement for the supply of Medical Gases in Cylinders and Liquid Medical Gases ("Agreement"). The agreement will include the supply and rental of medical gases, cylinders, liquid medical gases, liquid bulk medical gases and associated consumables and devices. The agreement will be split into three (3) lots: - Lot 1: Medical Gases in Cylinders - Lot 2: Nitric Oxide, Cylinders, Monitoring and Delivery Devices - Lot 3: Liquid Medical Gases The duration of the Agreement will be 4 years maximum; 4 years initial period with no option to extend. Lot 1: Medical Gases and Cylinders Under this Lot the supplier will provide the supply and rental of medical gases, cylinders, associated consumables and services. Tenderers will be required to supply cylinders containing a variety of medical gases and have the capability to offer participating authorities collection and refill services. Gases include but are not limited to: — medical oxygen — medical nitrous oxide — medical nitrogen — medical air — medical carbon dioxide — medical helium — medical argon — other specialty gases TERMS AND CONDITIONS / ACTIVITY BASED INCOME (ABI) The terms and conditions of this Agreement and any resulting call-off contract is appended to the ITT. These terms include provisions requiring the payment by the supplier of an ABI management charge in consideration of the award of this Agreement, the management and administration by HTE of the overall contract structure and associated documentation, as well as the requirement to submit regular management information to HTE. SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND PROCUREMENT INFORMATION This exercise will be conducted on the HTE Bravo portal. Candidates wishing to be considered must register expressions of interest as follows: Register on the HTE portal at Login to the portal with username/password. Click the SQs/ITTs Open to All Suppliers link. These are the SQs/ITTs open to any registered supplier. Click on the relevant SQ/ ITT to access the content. Click the Express Interest button at the top of the page. This will move the SQ/ITT into your My SQs/My ITTs page. You can access any attachments by clicking Buyer Attachments in the SQ/ITT Details box. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the SQ/ITT. Submit your reply using the Submit Response button at the top of the page. If you require any further advice, contact the Bravo e- Tendering Help Desk at HealthTrust Europe utilises the Supplier Registration Service information database, formally known as sid4gov. Candidates are requested to register on the Supplier Registration service at Supplier Registration Service ( and submit their sid4gov company profile for publication on the database. Candidates already registered on Supplier Registration Service must ensure that information is up to date. Where access to sid4gov is unavailable, please contact the helpdesk at Please note that, at present, sid4gov does not prepopulate any fields of the SQ on the Portal, and therefore Potential Providers must complete the Qualification and Selection Envelopes of the SQ in Bravo in full. Lot 2: Nitric Oxide, Cylinders, Monitoring and Delivery Devices Under this Lot the supplier will provide the complete system to deliver nitric oxide therapy that includes nitric oxide in cylinders, monitoring devices, associated equipment, consumables and any delivery devices used in the transfer and/or transportation of patients. This lot will be for provision of supply and rental of nitric oxide cylinders. Suppliers will have the capability to offer participating authorities collection and gas refill services. This includes but is not limited to: — nitric oxide — cylinders in various sizes — flow meters/regulators/monitoring devices — devices for use in transfer of patients; — associated consumables and equipment. TERMS AND CONDITIONS / ACTIVITY BASED INCOME (ABI) The terms and conditions of this Agreement and any resulting call-off contract is appended to the ITT. These terms include provisions requiring the payment by the supplier of an ABI management charge in consideration of the award of this Agreement, the management and administration by HTE of the overall contract structure and associated documentation, as well as the requirement to submit regular management information to HTE. SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND PROCUREMENT INFORMATION This exercise will be conducted on the HTE Bravo portal. Candidates wishing to be considered must register expressions of interest as follows: Register on the HTE portal at Login to the portal with username/password. Click the SQs/ITTs Open to All Suppliers link. These are the SQs/ITTs open to any registered supplier. Click on the relevant SQ/ ITT to access the content. Click the Express Interest button at the top of the page. This will move the SQ/ITT into your My SQs/My ITTs page. You can access any attachments by clicking Buyer Attachments in the SQ/ITT Details box. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the SQ/ITT. Submit your reply using the Submit Response button at the top of the page. If you require any further advice, contact the Bravo e- Tendering Help Desk at HealthTrust Europe utilises the Supplier Registration Service information database, formally known as sid4gov. Candidates are requested to register on the Supplier Registration service at Supplier Registration Service ( and submit their sid4gov company profile for publication on the database. Candidates already registered on Supplier Registration Service must ensure that information is up to date. Where access to sid4gov is unavailable, please contact the helpdesk at Please note that, at present, sid4gov does not prepopulate any fields of the SQ on the Portal, and therefore Potential Providers must complete the Qualification and Selection Envelopes of the SQ in Bravo in full. Lot 3: Liquid Medical Gases Under this Lot the supplier will provide a full solution from the purchase and delivery of liquid medical gases to the safe installation and maintenance of liquid medical gases storage tanks/VIE and ancillary equipment. The supply of liquid medical gases will include, but not limited to: - liquid oxygen - liquid nitrogen - liquid carbon dioxide - liquid carbon monoxide - liquid helium -liquid argon -liquid hydrogen - liquid natural gas TERMS AND CONDITIONS / ACTIVITY BASED INCOME (ABI) The terms and conditions of this Agreement and any resulting call-off contract is appended to the ITT. These terms include provisions requiring the payment by the supplier of an ABI management charge in consideration of the award of this Agreement, the management and administration by HTE of the overall contract structure and associated documentation, as well as the requirement to submit regular management information to HTE. SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND PROCUREMENT INFORMATION This exercise will be cond


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