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Tender for the Design and Construction of 2 x Independent Living Projects - St Mellons & Maelfa



19,000,000 GBP


The Authority, through our Capital Ambition objectives, have an ambitious housing delivery programme to deliver at least 2,000 new homes, with 1,000 completions by December 2022. We are passionate about reinvigorating Council house building, avoiding generic housing estate architecture by delivering modern high quality homes that are affordable, adaptable and respond positively to the demands of the 21st century for low impact, low energy development. New developments that we deliver as part of this ambitious programme will include Council rented homes and affordable homes to buy through our Assisted Home Ownership scheme and (where appropriate) homes for market sale. Our projects will be tenure blind, creating cohesive and sustainable communities. All new Council homes must comply to Welsh Government Development Quality Requirements (DQR) as a minimum. We also require compliance with RNIB ‘Platinum’ housing sight standards and Secured by Design "Gold Standard".


Publish date

5 years ago

Close date

5 years ago

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Cardiff City Council


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