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Office Reconfiguration Works (LSHW/009/2023)



Life Sciences Hub Wales occupies the second floor of 3 Assembly Square, Cardiff. The circa. 12,000 sq. ft floor space is comprised of open office accommodation, meeting rooms and a conference suite. The current Life Sciences Hub Wales lease (a sub-lease, with Welsh Government as head lease) is due to expire 25th July 2023. Ahead of the lease expiry Life Sciences Hub Wales undertook an options appraisal to determine its office accommodation needs going forward, which took into consideration the increase in remote working possibilities introduced in recent years and a recognition that cost savings achieved via a smaller office floor space. The preferred option with regards to the future of the Life Sciences Hub Wales office needs has been agreed and confirmed; the Company will remain at the current office accommodation at 3 Assembly Square, but the total floor space leased will reduce from circa. 12,000 sq. ft to circa. 7,500 sq. ft. Life Sciences Hub Wales seeks to procure the services of a suitably qualified, reputable and experienced Contractor to undertake and complete the necessary reconfiguration works (building / construction) to split the current office space from its full circa. 12,000 sq. ft capacity to the circa. 7,500 sq. ft space to be utilised by the Company going forward. A design consultant has already worked with Life Sciences Hub Wales to produce plans and drawings for the desired office reconfiguration (all drawings provided alongside the tender), the Contractor is required to undertake and complete the necessary reconfiguration works in-line with the agreed plans. The scope of the required reconfiguration works includes the necessary construction activity in order to reconfigure the existing office to match the agreed plans and drawings, as well as all necessary dilapidation works on the portion of the floor space that is to be returned to the landlord (i.e. the remaining circa. 4,500 sq. ft that Life Sciences Hub Wales will no longer require going forward). Life Sciences Hub Wales has separately procured and appointed a third-party Project Management provision that will act as Project Manager / Contract Administrator / Site Supervisor during the works.


Publish date

2 years ago

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2 years ago

Buyer information

Life Sciences Hub Wales Ltd

Adam James-Price

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