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Framework Agreement for The Provision of Management, Collection, Slaughter, Salvage and Disposal Of Farmed Livestock For TB Control Purposes ("Reactor Removal")




As we describe in the attached slide deck, APHA are retendering our current framework agreement for reactor removal early. We are retendering early due to a number of factors and slide three of the attached slide deck sets out our reasons in more detail. Some of the factors driving early retender include animal welfare standards, the cost model and the order allocation model. The proposed changes we are seeking are summarised on slides seven and eight. Our ask of the market is to: review the attached slide deck in full and return your comments and assessments of our proposals to by 31 May 2024. It is our intention to collate your feedback and refine our proposal further based on your feedback. We would encourage all potential suppliers to return comment to us. This notice represents your opportunity to influence our future approach to reactor removal. If our ask isn't clear please do not hesitate to contact us via


Publish date

7 months ago

Buyer information


Tom Redfearn & David Price

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