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T25-019ENV Provision of Materials Processing Services for Recycling of Source Segregated Materials



Derry City and Strabane District Council wish to appoint a suitable contractor and / or contractors for the Provision of Materials Processing Services for Recycling of Source Segregated Materials collected from Recycling Centres / Recycling Points. The Authority has a statutory duty under the Waste and Contaminated Land (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 No. 2778 (N.I. 19) (Part II Articles 20(1)(a) and (b) and 20(2)) to arrange for the collection of household, commercial and industrial waste. The Authority is also required under the 1997 Order (Part II, Article 25(1)(a)) to make arrangements for the disposal of any waste collected or removed under Article 20 of the 1997 Order. Contractors must be able to provide a service that allows for the following elements- collection (s) and material processing for Recycling of Source Segregated Materials from Recycling Centres / Recycling Points, Transfer Stations and other Council Facilities to include recoverable materials from parks, cemeteries, grounds maintenance operations etc. Contractors can tender for all or some of the lots listed below along with their EWC codes. An EWC Code is a six-digit code used to identify waste as listed in the European Waste Catalogue. Lots are as follows: Lot 1 Green Waste 20 02 01, Lot 2 Cemetery Waste or Municipal Parks/Ground Waste 20 02 01 and Lot 3 Plasterboard 20 03 99. The Competition for each Lot is being conducted using the open procedure in accordance with the Regulations. Each Competition is separate from the others, although this Invitation to Tender establishes the terms and conditions of all Competitions. Each Contract awarded shall be for an initial period of three (3) years ("Initial Term"). The Council shall retain the right to extend its Contract awarded beyond the Initial Term by: an additional period of one (1) year from its third anniversary; and by second additional period of one (1) year from its fourth anniversary; and The Council reserves the right not to extend its Contract beyond the Initial Term and, where it does extend beyond the Initial Term, not to grant any further extensions thereafter. Your submission must be submitted via etendersNI, via this CFT. No other method of submissions will be accepted. Please refer to the CfT documents for further detail.


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Derry City and Strabane District Council

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