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London Borough of Brent Council (LBBC) Technical Consultancy Framework



9,600,000 GBP


The Council is The Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Brent (the Council) who are responsible through Brent Property Services for approximately 9,000 tenant’s properties and 4,000 leasehold properties. The Council is delivering an ongoing major works programme covering major refurbishment works together with planned works and some new build projects and in-fill schemes. The planned programme of works includes cyclical maintenance and re-roofing. Some major ECO projects are also planned. This lot is to be used for large scale works or larger programmes of planned works. LBBC has an annual £10m reactive maintenance budget, and a £50m planned maintenance and capital works budget over the 4 years of the framework. This 6 lot technical consultancy framework will include the following disciplines to facilitate the delivery of LBBC’s refurbishment and planned works schemes, with the possibility of some new build works over the framework’s 4-year term: Lot 1 – Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy Services– Major Works Lot 2 – Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy Services– Minor Works Lot 3 – Structural Engineering Lot 4 – Energy Efficiency and Retrofit Consultancy Lot 5 – Fire Safety Management Lot 6 – Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Please note that potential suppliers can apply to all lots on the framework. Although entirely independent of it, this framework is designed to complement a new subcontractors’ framework LBBC are planning to set up. Further details on the subcontractors framework will be made available to the market in due course. Lot 1: Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy Services– Major Works Please see Specification attached as part of the tender documentation for detailed requirements In summary: Professional disciplines to be covered by this Lot 1 ‒ Contract Administrator; ‒ Architect; ‒ Project Manager; ‒ Employer’s Agent; ‒ Quantity Surveyor / Cost Consultant; ‒ Building Surveyor; ‒ Principal Designer; ‒ Structural Engineer; ‒ M&E Engineer (Building Services Consultant); ‒ Clerk of Works; ‒ Sustainability Consultant / ECO Consultant / Retrofit Co-ordinator; ‒ Lift Engineer; and - Fire Safety Management Consultant. A shortlist of the 8 highest scoring suppliers for this lot at SQ stage will be drawn up and invited to tender. it is anticipated that a maximum of 4 suppliers will be appointed to the framework. Lot 2: Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Services - Minor Works Please see Specification attached as part of the tender documentation for detailed requirements In summary: Professional disciplines to be covered by this Lot 2 ‒ Contract Administrator ‒ Architect ‒ Project Manager ‒ Employer’s Agent ‒ Quantity Surveyor / Cost Consultant ‒ Building Surveyor ‒ Principal Designer ‒ Structural Engineer ‒ M&E Engineer (Building Services Consultant) ‒ Clerk of Works ‒ Sustainability Consultant / ECO Consultant / Retrofit Co-ordinator ‒ Lift Engineer ‒ Fire Safety Management Consultant: A shortlist of the 8 highest scoring suppliers for this lot at SQ stage will be drawn up and invited to tender. it is anticipated that a maximum of 4 suppliers will be appointed to the framework. Lot 3: Structural Engineering Please see Specification attached as part of the tender documentation for detailed requirements. The successful Consultants are to provide the quality and continuity of expert professional services required from a Structural Engineer as ordered by the Council under this Framework. The successful Consultants shall appoint a Framework Manager to liaise with the Council for this Framework. The Consultant is to note that the Council reserves the right not to award any work via this Framework and this is subject to budget availability and other relevant factors. A shortlist of the 8 highest scoring suppliers for this lot at SQ stage will be drawn up and invited to tender. Lot 4: Energy Design and Retrofit Consultancy Please see Specification attached as part of the tender documentation for detailed requirements. Under this Framework the Council requires Consultants who are fully qualified, hold appropriate accreditations, all in accordance with PAS 2035 and are able to provide PAS 2035 standards together with compliant surveys, designs, specifications, management of the Retrofit Installer, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of a Project and provide feedback to the Council. The council is therefore seeking a Consultant that will work with the Council to identify eligible properties, undertake the necessary eligibility checks and ring-fence funding for the works with suitably qualified installers. The Consultants are also required to support the Council in making Applications for the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) Wave 2.1 or for similar competitions and proposals for funding. A shortlist of the 8 highest scoring suppliers for this lot at SQ stage will be drawn up and invited to tender. it is anticipated that a maximum of 3 suppliers will be appointed to the framework. Lot 5: Fire Safety Management Please see Specification attached as part of the tender documentation for detailed requirements. Where directed by the Council the successful Consultants are to provide the quality and continuity of expert professional services required from a Fire Safety Management Consultant as ordered by the Council under this Framework. The successful Consultants shall appoint a Framework Manager to liaise with the Council for this Framework. The Consultant is to note that the Council reserves the right not to award any work via this Framework and this is subject to budget availability and other relevant factors. A shortlist of the 8 highest scoring suppliers for this lot at SQ stage will be drawn up and invited to tender. it is anticipated that a maximum of 3 suppliers will be appointed to the framework. Lot 6: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Please see Specification attached as part of the tender documentation for detailed requirements. The successful Consultants are to provide the quality and continuity of expert professional services required from a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer as ordered by the Council under this Framework. The successful Consultants shall appoint a Framework Manager to liaise with the Council for this Framework. The Consultant is to note that the Council reserves the right not to award any work via this Framework and this is subject to budget availability and other relevant factors. A shortlist of the 8 highest scoring suppliers for this lot at SQ stage will be drawn up and invited to tender. it is anticipated that a maximum of 3 suppliers will be appointed to the framework.


Publish date

11 months ago

Close date

10 months ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Brent

Mr Philip Gardener

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